December 2, 2021


“This is the hour for My FIERCE WARRIORS to arise, push back the EVIL TIDE darkness has released, and ADVANCE forward taking ground in My name. This is the FINAL PUSH before you see the massive scheme of darkness FALL. What will your enemy do to try to DEFLECT and DISARM My FIERCE WARRIORS at this CRITICAL time in the battle? He will spew forth LIES about current circumstances to DISCOURAGE you and to hide the fact that he is PANICKED over being crushed. He will make you DOUBT your own ability to stand, to fight, and to press forward—just little whispering DOUBTS that flit across your mind and make you question your own strength and whether you can TRUST God’s promises of a victory. Don’t buy into the enemy’s LIES and DOUBTS that he’s sending. This is a LAST RESORT to take you out, make you give up too soon, and weaken your warfare. These doubts, these lies he’s whispering are NOT your own thoughts—they are planted demonically. DO NOT PARTNER with them nor ENTERTAIN them—REJECT them and STRENGTHEN yourself in Me. WORSHIP Me and REMIND yourself of My promises of a GLORIOUS VICTORY. Even if you’re in a weak place physically or emotionally and all you can muster is a small pushback of the darkness, that pushback will send SHOCKWAVES through the enemy’s camp because it has the POWER of RAW FAITH behind it. Rise up FIERCE WARRIORS and let’s bring this battle to VICTORY!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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