October 16, 2022


“I have promised you a SUDDENLY for your Nation. I have spoken of a nation being BORN IN A DAY. I have said that in ONE DAY an evil empire will be EXPOSED and BROUGHT DOWN and righteous leaders will be RAISED UP. After this DRAMATIC TAKEDOWN, then what? You have done VALIANTLY on the frontlines of this war, My Army of Light! Now, you will move into a CLEANUP and a REBUILDING assignment. Each of you will be given STRATEGIC JOBS to do in the REFORMATION and RESTORATION SEASON. Your Nation will be TRANSFORMED before your eyes. Other nations have prayed for America, and now, after the TABLES HAVE TURNED in your Land, you can PRAY for these nations to also be SET FREE and to come into My Kingdom ABUNDANCE. Receive My GLORY and SHINE for Me in your Nation and as a LIGHT OF HOPE for the rest of the world.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 



  1. We have been chosen for such a time as this! Stand tall, Saints! Thank You, Ms. Larkin! God Bless You and your Gifts!


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