October 24, 2022


“Tune your spiritual ears to HEAR what is BUILDING in the Spirit realm and in the natural realm. If you have ears to hear, you will hear THE DEEP UNDERGROUND RUMBLINGS OF JUDGMENT building and building. Feel My POWER in these RUMBLINGS and let your heart EXPERIENCE the HOLY FEAR OF THE LORD. Let the FEAR of My NAME fill your spirit and cause you to TREMBLE at My POWER, My HOLINESS, and My ABSOLUTE DETERMINATION to bring SHAKING JUDGMENT to those partners of evil who have REFUSED My offer of love and forgiveness. These are days of great SHAKING that will bring about the DOWNFALL OF EVIL and will usher in days of the KNOWLEDGE OF MY GLORY, as My RIGHTEOUSNESS sweeps over the earth. STAY CLOSE to My heart and follow the PROMPTINGS of My Spirit, and you will be PROTECTED and PROVIDED for. MY RUMBLINGS OF JUDGMENT will usher in days of RENEWAL, RESTORATION, and REWARD. Shout and proclaim the POWER of My NAME!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal  


  1. Thank You, Our Heavenly Father, for encouraging, strengthening and guiding us, through your humble Servant, Diana Larkin. We shall stay close to you. Amen.


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