October 29, 2022


“The FREQUENCIES of My VOICE caused the CREATION POWER that formed the earth in great PRECISION and BEAUTY. THE POWER OF MY VOICE can shape mountains and bring great PEACE to the heart of man. You will now be a WITNESS to a GRAND DISPLAY of THE POWER OF MY VOICE being released as a STORM against the wicked. The same FREQUENCIES that cause a glorious creation will ATTACK and BRING DOWN those systems and people who are seeking to establish strongholds of darkness and destruction. My frequencies are in PERFECT HARMONY—a SYMPHONY OF LIFE AND PEACE. If you tune to My frequencies, you will be KEPT in PEACE—even in the midst of My frequencies TEARING DOWN darkness. I AM coming as a POWERFUL STORM of LIGHTNING and THUNDER to deal with the attempt of darkness to take CONTROL of your lives and of nations around the world. My SKY-SPLITTING LIGHTNING will REVEAL all the dark SCHEMES and PEOPLE, and who they really are will be seen by all. My DEEP, RUMBLING THUNDER will roll across your Land as a frequency that SMASHES STRONGHOLDS and PLANS of the darkness. It will FLATTEN leaders, as I confront them with My HOLY POWER. The landscape of your Nation will be changed. It will be a CLEAN SLATE for My people to BUILD on, as they partner with My GLORY. Remember that the STORM is for the WICKED and that THE POWER OF MY VOICE will destroy them. I AM inviting you to weather the STORM close to My HEART because you will receive My frequencies of PEACE and REST, and you will be ready to step in and help Me REBUILD on the foundation of My GLORY. THE POWER OF MY VOICE removes darkness and creates beauty and life.” 
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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