October 5, 2022


I AM asking you to join Me in CALLING FORTH your DYING Nation BACK TO LIFE. Just as My Son called Lazarus to ‘COME FORTH!’ to LIFE again, so I AM commissioning you, My Army of Light, to CALL FORTH TO LIFE what seems DEAD, BEYOND REPAIR, and SICK UNTO DEATH, BACK TO LIFE and WHOLENESS in Me by the POWER of My Son’s BLOOD. Just as I spoke to you last night, the FALL OF THE FALL has begun. But it is NOT ENOUGH to bring evil down, you must CALL FORTH MY LIFE and GOODNESS and MY RESURRECTION POWER to fill all those places that evil ruled. You have the power of death and life in your tongue, so use it to DECREE DEATH of all evil schemes and the REMOVAL of all darkened leadership, and CALL FORTH LIFE for your Nation. LIVE AGAIN, FREEDOM! LIVE AGAIN, RIGHTEOUSNESS! LIVE AGAIN JUSTICE! As this Nation RISES FROM THE ASHES, you will see and declare its RESURRECTION LIFE all over the world. LAZARUS, COME FORTH!”

1:29=12 I came suddenly awake when my husband’s phone gave a notification sound, and I heard the words: “the fall of the Fall.”

Interpretation: the season has changed, a shift has begun to the fall in the Fall!

10= the Law (10 commandments), coming out of the wilderness, a cycle of completion, Divine order

12= God’s perfect government, apostolic anointing for understanding governmental issues, systematic thinking, the elect purposes of God; the Spirit world 

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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