January 25, 2023

“I have issued a call to UNITY to My Body of Believers. There is such POWER IN UNITY. I AM in complete UNITY with My Son and with the Spirit, and because of this ONENESS, we are an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE. UNITY is always based on LOVE and the ability to see My DEPOSIT in each person’s life. If you choose to focus on DIFFERING viewpoints you may have with each other, this will cause a BREAKDOWN in UNITY. INSISTING that everyone believes what you believe and sees things like you see things is EXALTING being ‘RIGHT’ over TRUSTING Me to work by My Spirit in every person’s heart. I’ve CHANGED your heart and the way you see things, haven’t I? Your job is NOT to CHANGE people—that’s My Spirit’s job. You can INVITE people to see what you’ve had a REVELATION about, but when you INSIST yours is the ONLY WAY to look at things, then you cause DIVISION  and a BREAKDOWN in FELLOWSHIP. Insisting on your views (even if they are accurate) can cause a less mature Believer DOUBT and CONFUSION, which results in a LOSS of FAITH. I
INVITE into FAITH, HOPE, and TRUST—I never INSIST. I HONOR each person’s heart and the GIFT of FREEWILL that I have given. If you will HONOR peoples’ hearts and allow them to come to their OWN CHOICES, you will find UNITY FLOWING because you are FOCUSING on what is of Me in them, and you are TRUSTING Me to COMPLETE the good work I have begun in them. You don’t have AUTHORITY over peoples’ hearts, but you do have AUTHORITY over the DARKNESS that may be BLINDING them. You take AUTHORITY over the darkness and deception and BIND their work. Then the one you are interceding for will have a CLEARER ATMOSPHERE to HEAR Me and to RECEIVE a revelation of the TRUTH. Then your OPPOSITION is against the enemy and not against your brother. UNITY is not all believing the same thing about every issue, it is a JOINING of HEARTS in your LOVE for Me and for each other. HEAR My Son’s PRAYER THAT YOU MAY BE ONE IN OUR LOVE.”
John 17:11-22
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal



  1. Could of not of been said at a better time as this. Thank you Lord for those words to live by.

  2. Perfectly said! Thank you Jesus!

  3. Thank you, Diana. You are very dear to my heart. This Word was tough for me as it revealed pride, jealously and envy in me. I am praying for repentance as my heart is so sad to see these things in myself. Thank you, Jesus, for your Word of truth that reveals all. Thank you for your abundant grace and your unending mercy on me. You are absolutely good!! Thank you Diana for your faithfulness. You are a blessing to many. I am very excited to spend time with you one day, dear sister. 💚💚

    1. It can be really hard to see what is in our own hearts! Yikes! But after we allow Him to cleanse and renew our hearts, we feel so much lighter, freer, and able to love more!


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