February 26, 2023


“Don’t MISS OUT on the fact that the Holy Spirit OUTBREAKS you see happening around your Nation are one of My SUDDENLIES. I want you to realize what A DEVASTATING BLOW this is to the empire of darkness that has spent YEARS building STRONGHOLDS around DOCTRINES OF DEMONS that they established across all seven areas of influence in your Land—especially EDUCATION and the CHURCH. Can you IMAGINE as the darkness LOOKS ON and sees years of crafty schemes and lies CRUMBLING IN MINUTES, as My Spirit TOUCHES lives with a REVELATION of My HOLINESS and My LOVE? Make no mistake, this is A DEVASTATING BLOW to their scheme of WORLD DOMINATION, and they did not 
SEE IT COMING. Any DEFENSES they had erected in education or in My Church were 
BLOWN THROUGH by My GLORY moving quietly, yet, oh so POWERFULLY right in the middle of their STRONGHOLDS.  ANCIENT strongholds are COLLAPSING, LIES are SWEPT AWAY as a TSUNAMI of My LOVE and My POWER sweep through. This is the FIRST ARM of My RESCUE OPERATION, as I move in to LIBERATE a CAPTIVE Nation and FREE them from the PRISON of LIES that kept them in darkness. REJOICE in this SURPRISE MOVE of My Spirit, DECLARE it will DEEPEN and WIDEN, CALL DOWN My PROTECTION over this important part of the RESCUE OPERATION, and WELCOME My Spirit to MOVE in your own heart and life. WELLS OF REFRESHING, INTIMACY, AND HOLINESS HAVE BEEN OPENED—DRINK DEEPLY!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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