February 15, 2023


*Our worship is Their great reward. 

*Draw aside, breathe in His goodness and His perfect peace. He is our lifeline, drink our fill of His living water; we’ll be given powerful prayers to help people connect to His help and love. After the shakings are swept away, watch for signs of resurrection life. 

*Be prepared to be used to help bring in the harvest that His Spirit winds and angel activity stir up. 

*No longer allow doubt to cloud your spiritual vision and throw the weight your life and future on Him and you will no longer be double minded. Believe His character and His promises, and you will find peace and strength for every day. 

*Allow the Holy Spirit to spotlight any areas of darkness in your own heart (ex.: false comforters, cold love, critical spirit, projecting your call onto other people’s lives instead of giving them freedom to walk out their own calling. Guard our hearts and our thinking in these areas—we want victory without and victory within. 

*Never lose your wonder for Him—intimacy is the key to childlike faith and wonder. 

*As the stench of evil is exposed by the balloon collapsing, we are to release the sweet, cleansing breath of Holy Spirit and that will cause His glory and favor to fall upon His people. 

*Don’t be alarmed at the parade of fear-based, distracting stories being pumped out by the lying media, pick them off one by one. Wherever devastation has occurred, we can pray for His presence to be released upon those people. Decree a double defeat for the darkness: exposure of what they have planned and done, and the arising of His Kingdom to comfort, save, and deliver people from bondage. 

*Worship is our war cry that releases God’s vengeance and His judgments against our enemies. 

*If we surrender and yield our hearts to Him, we will receive real love, and we will be able to release real love to others. 


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