March 30, 2023

“As you walk with Me through a way you have NEVER BEEN BEFORE, you will have more PEACE and more STRENGTH if you LEAVE BEHIND DEAD WORKS and LAY DOWN BURDENS I never asked you to carry. DEAD WORKS and unnecessary BURDENS only WEIGH you DOWN, SAP your STRENGTH, and open places for FEAR to enter into your thoughts and your heart. DEAD WORKS come out of the heart and mind of MAN. They have the APPEARANCE of GOOD, but they are NOT INSPIRED or EMPOWERED by My Spirit. Much of the Church HONORS the DEAD WORKS of man, but they eventually result in BURNOUT, and they bear LITTLE FRUIT. Ask My Spirit to SHOW YOU where there are DEAD WORKS in your own life because you do not want to carry them into this NEW SEASON where PARTNERING with My GLORY and FLOWING with the Spirit of LIFE will bring the POWER and GRACE of Heaven to earth. Partnering with My GLORY will bring GREAT FRUITFULNESS into your life, and you will leave behind the STRIVING and EXHAUSTION of DEAD WORKS. The same goes for CARRYING BURDENS I never asked you to shoulder. Many of you are CARRYING around the WEIGHT of your UNSAVED or STILL ASLEEP loved ones. This WEIGHT is EXHAUSTING, and every time you see a LACK of progress, you become FEARFUL and DOUBT TORMENTS your mind. I WILL CARRY THE BURDEN OF YOUR LOVED ONES, and My Spirit will CARRY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF BRINGING THEM INTO THE KINGDOM and for AWAKENING THOSE STILL ASLEEP to the darkness and lies surrounding them. I AM STRONG enough to CARRY this BURDEN—you are not. You will experience great FREEDOM when you hand over your loved ones hearts to Me. Remember that I love them even more than you do, and I have a PLAN to SAVE, REDEEM, and AWAKEN them. Your part is to pray that I will OPEN their eyes and their hearts and then you LEAVE THE RESULTS TO ME. You will no longer be TOSSED ABOUT and ANGUISHED over their actions or responses because you know they are in My CAPABLE HANDS. STRENGTHEN those things in you that lead to INTIMACY and REALLY KNOWING ME. Come HANG OUT with Me—I so ENJOY your presence, and I will IMPART My life and help you to STRENGTHEN WHAT REMAINS of Me in your life.”
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Wonderful word. Thank you Papa!

  2. WOW ! isn't that a relief .. Thank you Jesus !! Praise God !!

  3. Father God, thank You for this word. 😭I so need it today. Help me completely release my family to You and to know they are in your capable hands🤲


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