*Our prayers and decrees are helping to block the darkness’ destructive moves.

*Do not let your heart be troubled, place your complete confidence and faith in the Master Strategist.

*We are to continue to partner with the Father in bringing down the deep darkness, partner with Him in speaking freedom to the captives of the defiling schemes.

*Declare a wave of repentance would sweep the Land clean; decree a move of the Spirit of fire to cleanse hearts and break the power of bondage.

*Release His love to consume those hearts and to wash them clean of defilement and shame.

*Do not fear the coming darkness because it is a signal that a new day is here and that the victory has been won.

*A bad harvest can be stopped by acknowledging sin, repenting, and applying the cleansing blood of Jesus to that area.

*As the darkness has launched a killing spree across our Land, we are to arise in our authority and launch a counterattack against these death-filled agendas of darkness.

*Ask the Holy Spirit to take anger, frustration, heaviness out of your emotions and put them into your spirit where you can release them as intercession—they become weapons of war.

*Fight back in prayers and bold decrees against the darkness and their schemes. Agree with God that they will be exposed as the planners of these murderous schemes.

*Make prophetic motions of uncovering and declare: ‘You will be exposed now!’ Decree: ‘This is a season of the vengeance of our God, and we release it into the darkness where it will accomplish all He has purposed for it to accomplish!’

*Send for the His mighty Host to fulfill His purposed; do not fear because the darkness is in full attack mode. You counterattack with His superior power and the blood of Jesus as our authority and our protection.

*Declare: ‘We are taking back the Land, and darkness, you are being defeated by the forces of Light!’

*We are invited to lay down our lives for Him. It will be the wisest, most powerful decision of our lives.

Diana Larkin, A Watchman's Journal 


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