May 16, 2023

“I have set before you PATHS OF PEACE that will take you through this WAR for your Land and through all the PERSONAL CHALLENGES in your life. I AM here to GUIDE you through UNKNOWN TIMES and to HELP you NAVIGATE STRAINED and UNHEALTHY relationships. My WISE COUNSEL is FREELY GIVEN, but it does REQUIRE one thing of you. That one thing you must do in order for the FLOW of WISDOM and COUNSEL to REMAIN UNHINDERED and to not get STOPPED UP is whether or not you OBEY My counsel. You are basically saying that your thoughts and knowledge are ABOVE MINE when you do not OBEY. Therefore, I will BACK OFF and I will ALLOW you to go your OWN WAY, but you will then find CONTINUED STRIFE and UNREST, and you will MISS OUT on My FULL BLESSING that I want to release to you. My dearest children, it is TIME to GROW UP into HIGHER REALMS of FAITH and TRUST in Me. Trusting and obeying Me open before you BEAUTIFUL and FRUITFUL PATHS OF PEACE. The Holy Spirit is bringing to your mind right now areas where you have CLUNG to your OWN REASONING instead of taking a LEAP OF FAITH and OBEYING Me. All you need to do is REPENT for not trusting Me and for not OBEYING My PROMPTINGS. Ask for and you will receive My STRENGTH and GRACE to OBEY what I’ve asked you to do. Come, FOLLOW Me down the PATHS OF PEACE that border My River of Life. JOY comes to those who CHOOSE TO OBEY.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 
*Personal note: This word comes out of a personal struggle I had over obeying a very difficult prompting from Holy Spirit. I tried to make things work in my own strength for a long time until I realized how destructive my disobedience was. I repented, did the hard thing, and paths of joy and peace have opened up before me. My counsel: don’t wait so long to obey His superior wisdom and love!


  1. God bless all of us everywhere!

  2. FOR ME TOO! Exact same experience as you, Diana! Thank You for your authenticity, always.
    This Word is one I shall re-read, internalize repeatedly, as many are, directed to me personally. As All are at one time or another.

  3. This was so on time! God Bless you!

    1. Amen! Agreed! God Bless You!

    2. His timing is perfect!

    3. His timing is PERFECT, Indeed! He IS our MOST PERFECT GOD!

  4. This word is spot on for me, too. Please pray for Impact Church, Norman, OK. God has moved a couple here to change the culture of this city to Kingdom and the five fold ministry. To affect all 7 mountains of influence. To train Believer’s in their authority in Christ. We are so small now but I have my assignment from God. I’m very excited to watch and be a part of the move of God.

    1. That is so exciting! God bless your faithfulness and your pioneer spirit!

    2. Wonderful!
      God SHALL guide you!

  5. It’s Harvest time!!!


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