June 13, 2023
“I have been calling My Army of Light, My Remnant, to AWAKEN to the FULLNESS of your IDENTITY and POWER as Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom that was won for you by the BLOOD of My Son. My CALL is also going out to all those who think they are the WRONG gender or WRONG sexual orientation. You are DESPERATELY seeking ACCEPTANCE, but I AM TENDERLY telling you that your IDENTITY has been STOLEN by the enemy, and he has PLANTED CONFUSION and a SUBSTITUTE FALSE IDENTITY into your VULNERABLE hearts and minds. The enemy will RUTHLESSLY send ACTIONS and LIES against you—especially when you are VERY YOUNG and IMPRESSIONABLE. If you AGREE with the PLANTED LIE, it STEALS your TRUE IDENTITY, and the enemy supplies a DISTORTED, TWISTED one in its place. REAL LOVE does not SENTENCE you to live the REST OF YOUR LIFE LIVING UNDER A FALSE IDENTITY. It will FIGHT FOR YOU to be FREED from LIES by the power of My Son’s blood, and it will PARTNER with you to RESTORE your TRUE IDENTITY. Instead of a TWISTED, DISTORTED, STRESSFUL LIFE, you will find My PEACE and My BLESSING bringing you to WHOLENESS. Lies keep you from FULFILLING your DESTINY. These kind of lies will ROB you of the CHILDREN I planned to send to you through your bodies—a BEAUTIFUL INHERITANCE of LIFE. I AM calling you to come to Me—a Father who CREATED you for PEACE and FULFILLMENT and who TRULY has the BEST for you. Give your life to My Son—He died to bring you FULLNESS of LIFE. Then ask My Spirit to show you the FIRST LIE that was planted about your TRUE IDENTITY. Break its POWER in the name of My Son, come out of AGREEMENT with the lie, and ask for and receive your TRUE IDENTITY RESTORED to you. The POWER of My LOVE and HEALING far OUTWEIGH any scheme of the enemy to STEAL your life, so don’t DELAY—come to Me—My arms are OPEN WIDE! I will give you your TRUE IDENTITY, and you will find LIFE and PEACE.”
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 



  1. WOW what a Beautiful God we serve!

  2. Amen 🙏 🤍🕊

  3. WOW ! the kindness and love and beauty of our God

  4. Thank You, Dearest Diana, for yet ANOTHER compilation of reassuring, peaceful Words from The Father to Us, His Children; coupled with the stern admonitions for those choosing to partner with the darkness, judgement and justice. Your PEACEFUL, GORGEOUS Sunroom, with the birds flitting about, joyfully, is the icing on the cake! God Bless you, your Family, your Ministry, Now and Always!


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