June 21, 2023

*This word began with seeing a large council of those partnered with evil. The leaders are boasting and confident, laying out death agendas and power moves to crush freedom and take control. This dark council is now fully activated to fulfill their assignments, and all sleepers are commanded to come out of the shadows and complete their orders. The leaders are speaking boldly, but the hearts of the rest of the council are feeling vulnerable and exposed. After this meeting breaks up, a smaller council of just the leaders meets. The atmosphere is not so bold, as they realize something has shifted. They are beginning to see lights shining through the dark cloud of lies and fear they had released over the Land. In hushed tones they are discussing backup plans for escape, and they give no thought to those they have tasked with dangerous, dark schemes that have the potential to backfire and expose them. From my vantage point, I can see the seeds of disintegration that our decrees and declarations have sown into the camp of darkness. Our glory lights are piercing the darkness.
*”I AM giving you a BEHIND-THE-SCENES picture of the enemy’s camp because I want you to see BEYOND the BOASTING voices speaking LIES and PREDICTING the DOWNFALL of My anointed leader. It LOOKS LIKE a POWERFUL, UNIFIED camp, but you have been shown how your prayers are bringing about CRACKS in their unity and SOWING SEEDS of SELF-PRESERVATION that will GREATLY WEAKEN them from the inside out. As My DELUGE of TRUTH RAINS DOWN on them, it will TRIGGER every man for himself, and the evil empire will COLLAPSE in the MUD of their EVIL. My DELUGE of TRUTH will WASH THEM into a PIT, and My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE will come CRASHING DOWN on them. Call in My DELUGE OF TRUTH! It is BUILDING and BUILDING as more and more EXPOSE themselves as being COMPROMISED and actually working for the DARKNESS. The DELUGE will REVEAL IT ALL—down to every CORRUPT ROOT, and it will all be WASHED AWAY.”
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. If my enemies want it dark they will have to go below the surface of the earth. We will shine our light in every dark place above the surface of the earth. There will be no more dark places above the surface of the earth!

    1. had to find out what " deluge " means - WOW ! perfect words from our Perfect Father !

    2. I love that! Shine for Jesus!

    3. I second that emotion! In Jesus's name! Amen

  2. Your ass is grass enemies!

  3. OCCUPY🌟STAND🌟RESIST, till our KING continues to show us HE IS WITH US.🙏🏼THANK YOU YESHUA. I love you so💕

  4. Abba Father, in the authority of Yeshua, I call down “EL Yehovah Adonai's” truth. Amen!


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