August 30, 2023

*DREAM: I had a dream last night that I was searching out the meaning and Biblical references of the number “21.” Donna Rigney was overseeing the process.
*INTERPRETATION: I am to search out the meanings of the number “21,” and look at it through prophetic eyes that see with the Father’s heart (Donna Rigney).
*RESULTS: Most all Biblical numbers resources list “21” as “exceeding sinfulness.” I kept searching and finally found what the Father wanted me to search out. After Israel committed “21” rebellious acts in the wilderness, then it was time for the new generation to cross over into the Promised Land. 3x7=21: Divine perfection and Spiritual completion. Biblical references: Matthew 21:19-22, Psalm 21, Proverbs 21, Luke 21, John 21. The Father began to speak to me out of Psalm 21.
*”I AM announcing to you that you are LEAVING the WILDERNESS of sin and rebellion and that you are entering into the PROMISED LAND of PEACE and PLENTY. You have left behind the ways of the world (Egypt) and entered into COVENANT with Me through the BEAUTIFUL BLOOD of My Son. But your TASKMASTERS have REFUSED to let you out of the wilderness, and they think they have you TRAPPED with no way of ESCAPE, but I tell you that YOU WILL SEE THEM FAIL. This is their future:” PSALM 21:8-13 (TPT) ‘ Your Almighty hands have captured Your foes. You uncovered all who hate You and You seized them. When you appear before them, unveiling Your face, they will be consumed by the fierce fire of Your presence. Flames will swallow them up. They and their descendants will be destroyed by an unrelenting fire. We will watch them fail, for these are ones who plan their evil schemes against the Lord. They will turn and run at the sight of Your judgment-arrow aimed straight at their hearts. Rise up and put Your might on display! By Your strength we will sing and praise Your glorious power!’ “Rise up with Me Army of Light! SING, PRAISE, and SHOUT My GLORIOUS POWER!” 
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Words cannot explain how glorious awestruck wonder for these days to come! I am truly speechless and marvel at what an amazing wonderful Father praise you and thank you! Thank you Diana♥️💐

  2. So many of the words you have given us in the past week or so have beautifully shown the tenderness of our God who is a warrior for us. Bless His holy name!

  3. This is awesome!! Praise Jesus!!

  4. Thank you for sharing your experience of God's preservation for you in your car. My mom, sister and I had a similar experience. It was shortly after my dad had suddenly moved to heaven. We were driving on the interstate when a car in the lane next to us came over into our lane. As you described we could see the other car as it passed right through our car. I can still remember how the dash of the other car looked as it "went through" our car. We all said at once "what just happened". I believe the Lord was demonstrating his preservation to us following Dad moving to heaven. GIAG

  5. Good is the word of the Lord. We Esteem the word of the Lord spoken through his prophets.

  6. What an encouraging word ..Yes Good is the Word of the LORD!! What a conformation is that for me. Thank You Father God . Hallelujah ! We Will Rejoice and Sing Praising on to the Lord with a shout of Joy for He is a Just God!!

  7. 🙏🏻✝️❤️


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