ACTION ITEMS: Video STONES OF FIRE August 15, 2023


*We are to anchor ourselves in God and call forth His tsunami of life.

*When the enemy comes in like a flood we are not to feel overwhelmed or helpless! We are to triple down on calling for the darkness to be exposed and to declare that all their evil schemes will blow up in their faces.

*Declare: The wicked are now speaking empty words, mouthing empty threats, and releasing useless, empty actions.

*If we are thirsty for more of Him, we are to come, buy, and eat. We need to set aside time to be with Him (come), value being with Him above all else (buy), and opening our spiritual mouths and receiving all that He pours out into us. (eat)

*Do not fear the wicked’s whirlwind; whatever destructive plans they had for us will come back full force onto them—they will reap the whirlwind they have sown.

*We are to keep in mind that the best is yet to come. We are to welcome the shakings of the evil systems because it will make way for His future of peace and plenty for us and for our Nation.

*We are to get completely behind the God’s bulldozer as He demolishes the darkness and rebuilds with His light. There plans will be bitter in our mouths, we are to command the bitterness to boomerang back into their camp. Do not become discouraged when the darkness’ plans peak. Stand firm on the promise that complete darkness will be replaced with complete light.

*Army of Light we are to be ready to share the truth about Heaven’s Rescue Operation when people are awakened and shocked by all the lies and deceptions they were told by media. As people cry out for truth, we are to remember we have been anointed and called to answer those cries and to help rebuild our Nation.

*We are to be sure that we know the depths of God’s love because the day of His vengeance will be powerful and necessary to prepare the way for His Kingdom rule and reign.

*We are to watch the skies for His stones of fire that will destroy the wicked’s hiding places, buildings, and monuments that were erected in arrogant rebellion to the Father.

Diana Larkin

 A Watchman's Journal 


  1. Thank you so much bringing the Father's heart to us today. This past Saturday, The Lord showed me a large map of the United States spread out on a black wall. The US was burnt orange with little smudges like soot here and there and then there began to appear tiny smiling faced emojis all over the map increasing until there were what looked to be tens of thousands too many to count or keep up with. They were all praying YOUR KINGDOM COME, YOUR WILL BE DONE. - Love you Diana, blessings!

  2. Amen! Telescope 🔭 ☑️camera charging ready for HIS -tory Thank you Heavenly Father you are our shelter! Thank you Diana for you faithfulness to our Father 🤗💐♥️

  3. Thank you Diana for your obedience to the Father! I had a vision early this morning of a tsunami near to land with tall buildings in the foreground. I receive this as a confirmation and call forth His tsunami of life!

  4. Blessings Mrs. Larkin! I am curious do you have a public email address. I would like to send you a few dreams and photos of the clouds that Ash was talking about. My email is If you wish to email me directly. My name is Kristina. God Bless your outpouring of the heart of our Lord. Jesus Christ 🙏

    1. She does have one. I found it easily months ago, don’t know where, and she writes back too!

    2. Hi Kristina, Here is my ministry email:

  5. Amen yes!! Posted on my Truth Social page. Shared with friends. ❤️❤️


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