December 8, 2023

At 5:26 a.m. I awoke hearing this phrase:

“I AM letting you know that the END of this FIERCE WAR is NEAR. However, if you look at the path ahead with only NATURAL eyes, all you will see is OBSTACLES, MOUNTAINS, and what looks like a DEAD END with no way THROUGH. I AM calling you, My Army of Light, to see through My EYES and to BELIEVE that I can EMPOWER you to CARRY ON, CARRY OVER, and CARRY THROUGH to the promised SHINING VICTORY. I AM STRENGTHENING you to CARRY ON and to SPEAK to the obstacles in your path of SICKNESS, LACK, or BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS. COMMAND them to be REMOVED, to be DISSOLVED by the POWER of your BLOOD COVENANT with Me. SPEAK to those large MOUNTAINS that seem to BLOCK the way (CORRUPT LEADERS and INSTITUTIONS), and DECLARE that they are COMING DOWN by My Mighty Right Arm and the POWER of My Host. As you FEARLESSLY put your foot on the base of the mountain and begin to climb it, you will see it getting SMALLER and SMALLER until you can CARRY OVER it. Now, you face the LOCKED DOORS in the path obstructing you. These are doors the darkness put in place to BLOCK ACCESS to HEALTH, WEALTH, and FREEDOM. You are My son and My daughter, and I have given you the KEY of DAVID and the KEYS of the KINGDOM, and I want you to USE THEM NOW. Your words of AUTHORITY ‘OPEN’ ‘BE UNLOCKED’ are KEYS that will OPEN DOORS before you. As these doors open, CARRY THROUGH to the FINAL VICTORY. Hear Me now and CARRY ON, CARRY OVER, and CARRY THROUGH.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 



  2. Yes! I speak to those mountains… those lies against me… COME DOWN, BE REMOVED, BE DISSOLVED NOW IN JESUS NAME by God’s mighty arm and by His angelic Host performing HIS word. Open and be unlocked!

  3. Oh my goodness Diana, every morning, I wake up with thoughts rolling around in my head..."but Lord, what about this or that". Then, I read your blog and you are addressing those very thoughts. Thank you for these action Words from the Lord!!! I love it!!!

    1. Many months ago, I began praying for God to help me not feel so overwhelmed with dread each morning when I awoke. One morning, as I awoke and started feeling that dread, God took it from me with the words of this old country song, a song I had not heard recently. It was the chorus to That's My Job, by Conway Twitty and it goes like this (imagine God singing these words to you): "That's my job; That's what I do; Everything I do is because of you, to keep you safe with me; That's my job you see." He was telling me to leave my troubles with him. This blessing has helped me tremendously, and I also discovered that God really does have a sense of humor!

  4. We decree and declare through the blood of Jesus all mountains SHALL be removed NOW. Thanks Jesus. Your perfect will be done.

  5. Lindy (Simil) HarrisDecember 8, 2023 at 4:30 PM

    Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Love! Holy Spirit guide me as the Father desires! Allow Me to use these words of AUTHORITY! OPEN’ ‘BE UNLOCKED’ these are KEYS that will OPEN DOORS before me. As these doors open, I SHALL CARRY THROUGH to the FINAL VICTORY. I hear The Fathers words…. “Hear Me now and CARRY ON, CARRY OVER, and CARRY THROUGH.” πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  6. At the beginning of the week, before going to bed I was praying and then with my eyes close, I had a vision of a hand giving a set of keys. They were all gold, including the large key ring. They were old fashion keys. I saw myself take them and when I was taking them I noticed one of the keys had a white large sticker attached to the key that had something written on the label in red. As I wa taking they keys into my hands I asked the Lord, I can't see the writting on the key, "Whay does it say" and I heard the Lord say "it will be told to you". Could this be the keys ??

  7. Diana, I just found this site from a recommendation from Julie Green's site. OMGOODNESS. words cannot express my gratitude for your daily words from our Father!!! Thank you so so much Diana! May you be blessed greatly for helping settle Gods children's hearts.


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