March 16, 2024


“The ECLIPSE on April 8th is a MARKER in time for this BATTLE of DARK to LIGHT over your Nation. The battles being fought in the heavenly realms will now become CLEARLY SEEN BATTLES in the earthly realm. Those who have been ASLEEP to the spiritual battle that has been RAGING, will SUDDENLY be CONFRONTED with a DISPLAY of the UNDERBELLY of DARKNESS. Those who partnered with evil think their plans to UNLEASH CHAOS, DEATH, and FEAR will work to their ADVANTAGE and will lead to the people handing over CONTROL to these PUPPET MASTERS. Forces of Light, it is up to you to PARTNER with Me to BRING ABOUT A DIFFERENT OUTCOME. Declare that these dark plans will ONLY SERVE to EXPOSE those who set them in motion. Say, ‘I REMOVE the POWER and the DEATH out of these agendas, and I say they will BACKFIRE on the darkness.’ Where CHAOS, RIOTING, and PAID FOR DEMONSTRATIONS BREAK OUT, release My PEACE and My PRESENCE to CHANGE the ATMOSPHERE. Declare that My LOVE WILL ECLIPSE ALL THE HATRED that is being released. These are the battles that you have been TRAINING for. Now, PUT ON your ARMOR of LIGHT and RESPOND to My COMMANDS, not to the voices of FEAR and COWERING. Inside of you is the same SPIRIT that BROODED over darkness and chaos and brought forth a BEAUTIFUL earth. It is the very SPIRIT that BREATHED RESURRECTION LIFE into the Son. This is the same POWER that BLEW OPEN the waters of the Red Sea to DELIVER Israel and then to cause them to POUR DOWN on the enemy. DO NOT FEAR the enemy because HE FEARS YOU WARRING AGAINST him in your COVENANT AUTHORITY and HOLY SPIRIT EMPOWERMENT. Rise up Forces of Light, THE ECLIPSE OF DARK TO LIGHT HAS BEGUN.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. 2Cor.4:6 - For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, Who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

  2. Ge.1:2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

  3. Please lift up families who are being divided by addictions, divorces, abuse, and the LBQT+ ideology. I want to see freedom not only for our nation, but the restoration of the family unit and marriage the way God designed iy. Thanks.

    1. One time in prayer the Lord had directed me to pray for the sexually confused. I have found that in directed Intercession He wants to speak the answer, HIS answer into the Earth realm. He indicated that the seed of the sexually confused ( and the racism mania we've experienced) He will cause to fall to the ground and not reproduce. And He Clearly said, "I have seen their suffering in their bodies AND their personalities and have launched a Massive Rescue Operation." lk

    2. Thank you so much. It is spreading among the youth and causing such heartache is the youth and families I know.

    3. Speaking the Truth in Love to Anon 12:35 PM: Your second sentence confirmed and strengthens the problem, affirms and strengthens Hell's plan and speaks AGAINST God's Plan and Purpose.


  5. Amen!πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½

  6. Amen Father we have no fear, because you are here ,in total control Father

  7. Amen! Thank you for putting these in prayer form for us.πŸ’•

    1. You're welcome. But the keep disappearing.

  8. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! I Declare that these dark plans will ONLY SERVE to EXPOSE those who set them in motion. I Say… I REMOVE the POWER and the DEATH out of these agendas, and I say they will BACKFIRE on the darkness.
    I Declare that YOUR LOVE WILL ECLIPSE ALL THE HATRED that is being released. We will put on our Armor of Light and Rise up against the enemy of this world! Light Will Shine! πŸ”₯❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

    1. Ame. Your love will eclipse hatred.


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