June 23, 2024

I began my day with saying, “Good morning!” to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I asked them, “How is Heaven this morning?” I heard an immediate and firm response:


“As you witness evil thrones TOPPLING and slave systems CRASHING, keep in mind that you are part of a Kingdom that CANNOT BE MOVED OR SHAKEN. As corruption and evil are EXPOSED and SWEPT AWAY, it will create OPENINGS in the spiritual realm and natural realm. This is where you, My CARRIERS of My Kingdom of LIFE and LIGHT are to bring the influence of My Kingdom into ALL those places where darkness has been WIPED OUT. You are to FLOOD into those swept-clean places with My LOVE, My LIGHT, My PEACE, My HOPE, My CREATIVITY, My WISDOM, My JUSTICE, and My RIGHTEOUSNESS. This is why you should NEVER FEAR or DESPAIR as the SHAKINGS come to your world. You are CITIZENS of an IMMOVABLE AND UNSHAKABLE Kingdom that will come to bring RESTORATION, REBUILDING, and RECOMPENSE. Even if all around you seems to be COLLAPSING, if you REMAIN in Me, you will be IMMOVABLE AND UNSHAKABLE. Stay CONNECTED with My heart, and I will give you EYES to SEE a FUTURE of PEACE and PLENTY where you are NOT BOUND to the SLAVE SYSTEMS of the EVIL TASKMASTERS but will be SET FREE to pursue a life of FREEDOM and FULFILLMENT. During this FINAL BATTLE, I AM INVITING you to DWELL under the shadow of My wing and to be IMMOVABLE AND UNSHAKABLE.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. this is so good how Diana speaks with the holy trinity. We do have a great future!

  2. Hold tight under The Father!

  3. Amen and Hallelujah Going forth🌺❤️πŸ™✝️

  4. THANK YOU DEAR DIANA πŸŽ‰πŸ₯°πŸ™πŸ’•❤️😘✝️🌟and THANK YOU PRAYER WARRIOR POETπŸŽ‰❤️πŸ’•πŸ˜˜πŸ™✝️πŸ₯°πŸŒŸπŸŽ‰AMEN & AMEN ! These daily words from GOD thru Diana and the daily decrees and declarations using GODS authority is a breath of fresh air and exciting to hear and exciting to read out loud!! TY TY ❤️GOD

  5. Full Speed Ahead and God Speed πŸš…!!!

  6. Holy Spirit will guide us in what to say and do !

    1. Yes ! "we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you." 2 Chronicles 20.12

  7. Amen Father I can't wait

  8. Hallelujah And God Bless you Diana! I can’t wait to meet you one of these Glory Days!!

  9. Hallelujah!! Glory to God for your chain breaking prayers and wisdom of God that flows through this ministry!!!!!

  10. Amen!! Thank you Heavenly father and Diana for giving us these words!!

  11. This morning (6/24) as I was getting ready to shower a glass I've used morning and night for years, somehow got knocked off my counter and shattered all around me. I was upset as I started to work towards the clean up and I heard the Lord say, "It's just a glass." To which I replied, "No, it's more than that to me. It's a system I've been using that's been working for me." And as I cleaned I saw the prophetic sign of the systems of the world crashing around me and the warning not to hold too tightly to the way things have been. Additionally, I was amazed at the provision of protection that surrounded me as this glass shattered all around me but only a few, small pieces touched me to cause very minor cuts to my feet. This also was a picture from the Lord about how he has promised to protect and provide for us while the world systems around us crash. I read Diana's word about SWEPT-CLEAN PLACES and this was yet another confirmation because didn't I go over that floor three times to make sure every tiny piece of glass was cleared? I've been memorizing Psalm 16:5-9,11 and this is a word for these days (also mentioned by Diana) v. 8 I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me. A good verse to know/quote throughout the clean up process! ;-)

    1. Kathryn, wow! What an “in real life” picture of what the Lord has been saying! We had critters in our attic and had to get professional help to get them out, and the Lord said to my husband “just as you are shaking their nests, so I will also shake yours.” Ps 16 in The Passion Translation is lovely!! Thank you for sharing!


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