June 24, 2024

As I entered my garden in Heaven, I saw the Three-in-One laughing and talking excitedly with each other. I asked them what was going on, and they chorused: “IT’S ABOUT TO GET GOOD!” (This word is unusual in that all Three were speaking to me in a united voice—very powerful!)

“Gaze into your FUTURE with OUR EYES and through OUR HEARTS and SEE BEYOND the present TURMOIL and DARKNESS to an AGE of LIGHT, PEACE, and PLENTY. Think of these next FEW MONTHS as TAKING OUT THE TRASH from years of NEGLECT of Our WORD and Our WAYS. Cobwebs of LIES need to be SWEPT CLEAN and replaced by Our SHINING TRUTH. The garbage of PERVERSION, CORRUPTION, and ADDICTIONS needs to be SHOVELED OUT and replaced by the PURE and ENDURING FEAR of the LORD. The worship of FALSE GODS and FALSE COMFORTERS needs to be gathered in a HEAP and BURNED with Our HOLY FIRE. The STINKING AIR of GREED and SELFISHNESS needs to be BLOWN AWAY by our STRONG SPIRIT WINDS and replaced by Our atmosphere of GENEROSITY and LOVE. Such a DEEP CLEANING of your world will cause UPHEAVAL and SHAKING. Realize that this process is NOT TO BE FEARED but rather to be WELCOMED because the END RESULT will be PURITY, PEACE, PLENTY, and BEAUTY. We are telling you that IT’S ABOUT TO GET GOOD!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. What a word picture! It is exciting! Wouldn’t be surprised if He said, get the popcorn ready!! It’s time for The Trinity Show!

    1. Amen. The Truman Show no more. The Great Awakening and Greatest Show On Earth is here!!! Thank You Jesus!

  2. Amen & Amen! πŸ™πŸ» Thank you, Diana for so faithfully sharing these with us! It’s a Blessing I look forward to reading, receiving & believing each day!

  3. From Go to God to Good πŸ‘ It's about to get real good πŸ‘ I am ready to go.

  4. What a wonderful and powerful word!! Yesterday my husband and I were with some friends on a public boat cruise for a couple of hours. We shared and laughed and enjoyed the beautiful day, at some point I looked up in the sky and it was so blue and the clouds were in formation of like of a host of angels and I kept sight of them for a long time and I said, Lord thank u so much for this time and this beautiful day, and I heard in my spirit, "Glad you are enjoying it, yet I have so much more wonderful days ahead for you, just keep looking to me as you kept your eyes on those clouds and did not lose sight of them as you felt more joy rise up in your heart!!! In the days ahead as you continue to keep your eyes FIXED on me I will fill you with my shalom, joy and much laughter!!!

    1. Hallelujah thank you Father

    2. I'm so glad you heard from the Father. Such kind words from Him! Glad you enjoyed your cruise and thank you for sharing!

    3. I had a similar experience a few months back when my husband and I were wintering in Florida. We went boating with some friends and it was such a beautiful, perfect day. I remember seeing the clouds and so many of them resembled angel wings in their formation. I kept thanking God for the beautiful day and hoped in my heart that we would see many more days like that one ahead. This word from the Lord is very encouraging! Thank you Lord for your promise of your goodness and blessings ahead!πŸ™Œ❤️πŸ™Œ❤️πŸ™Œ❤️

  5. As we wait for things to get really good ,we can keep building up our faith by praying in the Holy Ghost! Jude 1:20

  6. Amen!! We are so ready Lord!!

  7. ITS TIME!! SO BE IT !!

  8. Such an encouragement. Thank you, Diana. Thank you, Lord.

  9. Enduring Fear of the LORD - a dig thru scripture shows that means a return to God's commandments. Greed and selfishness replaced w love and generosity...that lines up w the commandments in Deut 15 as well as Nehemiah's admonishing of the church leaders getting rich off the backs of the Israelites to free the Israelites who came back to rebuild the temple from debt slavery or they would be cursed.

    We applied this in our COVID lockdown birthed small group. The results were dramatic, creating a ripple effect across the region. A priest for hire is cursed (Micah 3:11) but remove that curse and start loving your neighbour as yourself and the impact far outweighs the dollar value because people in authentic relationship can do things that can't be bought. When we calculated a rough extrapolation of the impact on our region (500,000 population) doing what we do, it would make a $9 BILLION impact in one year...our municiple budget is $3 million as a reference point.

    One concrete example: an unvaxxed family took in vax injured and unemployed couple. Then he got laid off but trusted God would pull them thru. We found out and 8 people pulled together to pay off $30,000 debt in 10 weeks, reducing their monthly budget by $1200 of monthly interest growth. He has now started his own business and also accepted a position as youth pastor.

    Another example: an unvaxxed man got instruction to take in the daughter of a middle aged man that dropped dead of a heart attack to keep her out of the system during this time of grief as his pwn daughter already had relationship w her. He also got instruction to work for free for his struggling boss to keep him going thru a rough patch, saving the boss 3 times his take home pay. Our group stepped in and helped pay some bills, another group gave them 2 vehicles for the 2 working parents. Yet others used word of mouth to increase business quotes to increase their personal business income. Supernatural physical and inner healing happened.

    Every joint supplies instead of just the paid church staff.

    1. Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to share that! It blessed me :-)

  10. I can’t wait for the kingdom age. I can’t wait to smile again and laugh again.

  11. Amen and Amen!!! Go God!!!


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