Journal Entries for Video WHO REALLY HAS THE UPPER HAND?


1.    July 23, 2024


ZECHARIAH 1:3 (NASB) “Therefore, say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord of Hosts, “Return to Me,” declares the Lord of Hosts, ‘that I may return to you,” says the Lord of Hosts.”

“Besides all the OUTWARD ATTACKS on people’s bodies and the THREATS of war that the enemy has launched, there has also been a DARK SCHEME of the enemy launched against the MINDS and HEARTS of people—even those who BELONG to Me through the Blood of My Son. These attacks ROB people of their PEACE and their ASSURANCE that they BELONG to Me. The enemy continually THROWS their SIN in their faces and tells them that I couldn’t possibly still LOVE them and that I have TURNED AWAY from them. These are CRUEL LIES that ROB these people from the FREEDOM that Jesus died to give them, and BLOCKS them from HEARING My VOICE and from INTIMACY with Me. If you are UNDER the HEAVY YOKE of CONDEMNATION, realize you are being LIED to and that I have the POWER to DESTROY this FALSE YOKE. RECEIVE and BELIEVE that the Blood of My Son COVERS and WIPES AWAY EVERY SIN—your FORGIVENESS does NOT depend on you—it depends on My GREAT LOVE shown to you by SACRIFICING My Son in your place. No longer remain under the yoke of LIES the enemy has sown into your heart. It was for FREEDOM that Christ set you FREE! RETURN TO ME, AND I WILL RETURN TO YOU. It’s this simple: I WANT YOU BACK! STOP letting the enemy STEAL your PEACE, JOY, and INTIMACY with Me. I want you NEAR to My heart, and I want you to HEAR My VOICE. Come, and rest in My FORGIVENESS and My LOVE.” ISAIAH 44:22 (TPT) “I have swept away your sins like a thick cloud. I have made your guilt to vanish like mist disappearing into thin air. Now come back, come back to Me, for I have paid the price for you.”



July 23, 2023


“Part of My RESCUE OPERATION is RETURNING YOUR CHILDREN BACK TO YOU. The PRODIGALS, those captured by LIES and DECEPTION, the prisoners of TRAFFICKING, and those snared by ADDICTIONS—I AM CALLING THEM HOME, BACK TO YOU. They will be FORGIVEN, RESTORED, and will become BUILDERS by your side to COMPLETE My great reset. I have heard your PRAYERS, seen your TEARS, and felt the ANGUISH in your heart for your precious children, your HERITAGE; and I will BRING THEM HOME TO YOU. I will RESTORE and REPURPOSE their lives, and UNITY will be a CROWN your family wears. MILLIONS of your children will SUDDENLY come to their senses, as I REMOVE coverings from their eyes and UNSTOP ears DEAF to the TRUTH. They will be SHOCKED AWAKE when I UNCOVER and CRUSH the darkness, and they see how BADLY they have been DECEIVED. It will be a GRAND MIRACLE—DESTRUCTION for the wicked and a FREEING of the CAPTIVES of DARKNESS. Together, you will REBUILD this Land. Lift up your eyes and your heart, YOUR CHILDREN WILL RETURN.”

ISAIAH 49:17, 18 “Your children, your builders, are running back to you as those who ruined and destroyed you are running away. Lift up your head and look all around you. See! All your children, your builders, gather to come back to you. As surely as I live, I make this promise, says Yahweh. ‘You will wear them all like jewels, as a radiant bride wears her beautiful jewelry!’” (TPT)



July 23, 2022


“MAKE NO MISTAKE about My KINDNESS. My kindness has NO LIMITS towards My very own who have chosen to come to Me through My Son. To those partnered with DARKNESS, I say, ‘You have MISINTERPRETED My KINDNESS as WEAKNESS, and you have believed the great Deceiver when he told you that this weakness of Mine would PREVENT Me from releasing a CONSUMING JUDGMENT and JUSTICE against you.’ Let Me state to all—when My KINDNESS is taken advantage of by the wicked and when they continually REFUSE to respond to My KINDNESS, My kindness will be WITHDRAWN. In its place, I will FLASH the SWORD of JUDGMENT that will CUT THEM DOWN and REMOVE them from POWER and separate them from their WEALTH. Instead of KINDNESS, they will hear the RINGING SOUND of My GAVEL coming down declaring them ‘GUILTY!’, and they will FULLY REAP the darkness and the whirlwind that they have sown. You MESS with My KINDNESS at your own PERIL. To My very own, I say, ‘You have CHOSEN WELL. My KINDNESS will follow you throughout your life and on into eternity.’”

ROMANS 11:22 “Then appreciate the gracious kindness and the severity of God: to those who fell (into spiritual ruin), severity, but to you, God’s gracious kindness—if you continue in His kindness (by faith and obedience to Him); otherwise, you too will be cut off.”


4.    July 24, 2024


“The CAST of CHARACTERS keeps CHANGING in front of your eyes. As those partnered with darkness FALL, it seems like one even WORSE is put in that place. So, WHO REALLY HAS THE UPPER HAND? Is it not true that WHAT YOU SOW IS WHAT YOU REAP? Did you not just see someone who CHEATED their way into a high position be CHEATED OUT of that PLACE? If the darkness INSTALLS another member of the CHEATING GANG, do not be DOWNCAST or WORRIED because they, too, will be CHEATED OUT of that POSITION. Can you TRUST Me that this is part of My plan to EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE and to bring about a CLIMAX of events that will SHOCK the world? Just as quickly as the darkness INSTALLS new people, I will EXPOSE them, and they will be RIPPED OUT of those positions. It will be hard to KEEP UP with the CHANGING CAST of CHARACTERS. As this CHAOS plays out, keep your PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS STRONG. They will result in a RING of FIRE—My GLORY FIRE—surrounding your Nation to PROTECT and DEFEND it against any OUTSIDE INVADERS. Your WORSHIP and your TRUST in Me will TOPPLE the INSIDE INVADERS, as their HOUSE of CARDS FALLS FLAT. See with SPIRITUAL EYES what I AM doing behind the scenes and DO NOT GROW IMPATIENT while waiting for the VICTORY. It will come because I AM HAS THE UPPER HAND.”

5.    July 25, 2024


“My Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom are CALLED TO CONQUER! You are NOT called to COWER and wait for the enemy to put the world in DARKNESS and BONDAGE so great that I have to ZAP you out of the world. Are you not called to OVERCOME with the POWERFUL BLOOD of the LAMB and your word of TESTIMONY and AUTHORITY? The FALSE TEACHINGS about My people being TOO WEAK at the end of the Age to OVERCOME the darkness is in OPPOSITION to the WHOLE REST of what My WORD REVEALS. Is the Blood of Jesus not POWERFUL ENOUGH? Is the EMPOWERMENT of Holy Spirit so WEAK that you are DESTINED TO FAIL? Do you understand that these DOCTRINES OF DEMONS are to DISEMPOWER your AUTHORITY and to ROB you of your DESTINY? COME OUT OF ALIGNMENT with these teachings that welcome APATHY in SPIRITUAL WARFARE and for SETTLING to live FAR BELOW what I have called My Sons and Daughters to live in. You are CALLED TO CONQUER and to PARTNER with Me in RULING and REIGNING through the BLOOD of My Son, the EMPOWERMENT of Holy Spirit, and your AUTHORITY as My Sons and Daughters. CO-HEIRS with Jesus means CO-HEIRS with the One who CONQUERED DEATH, HELL, and the GRAVE. You are not and NEVER will be called to be WIMPS and LOSERS. RISE UP, Army of Light! This is your day to SHINE for Me, as we RESCUE the world from the CREEPING DARKNESS and put it UNDER OUR FEET. You are CALLED TO CONQUER!”



July 25, 2022


“If you are FEARFUL of what the FUTURE will bring, it will PARALYZE your ability to make WISE DECISIONS for today. FEAR can cause you to MISS OUT on opportunities that will BLESS and PROSPER you and that would have given you the ABILITY to SHARE with others. FEAR causes you to SELF-PROTECT and you will REACT to everything with SUSPICION instead of My DISCERNMENT. My discernment will lead you to WISE CHOICES that will PRESERVE what I have given you to steward and will lead you to PATHWAYS of BLESSING that are UNTOUCHED by the schemes of darkness. Have you been told that ahead is a dark season of CHAOS, LACK, and SHORTAGES? There is a season of SWEEPING CHANGES ahead, but IAM the God of PLENTY, of MORE THAN ENOUGH, of BEYOND what you could think or imagine. You cannot allow FEAR to speak MORE LOUDLY in your ear than My WISE GUIDANCE and DIRECTION. Fix your eyes and FAITH on Me, the God of the IMPOSSIBLE, and REFUSE TO PARTNER with FEAR. In fact, if FEAR comes knocking at your door, send it BACK into the enemy’s camp. FACE THE FUTURE WITHOUT FEAR, and you will be KEPT, PROSPERED, and LIVE in My goodness and My peace.”

7.    July 26, 2024


“The enemy and those partnered with him have set up ROADBLOCKS TO FREEDOM in your Nation. They are DETERMINED to keep you UNDER their thumb of CONTROL, TYRANNY, and LIES. They believe they can keep your Nation from BREAKING THROUGH to LIBERTY, FREEDOM, TRUTH, AND JUSTICE. These ROADBLOCKS are: a WEAPONIZED JUSTICE system, a SECRET SURVEILLANCE network that spies on you, a FINANCIAL SYSTEM that ROBS you of your resources, and a MEDIA that reports LIES, COVER-UPS, and DISTORTIONS that MISLEAD and DECEIVE the people. All these ROADBLOCKS are designed to keep people FEARFUL to speak up, CONFUSED about history and current events, and LOCKED into FINANCIAL SLAVERY. It’s time, Army of Light, that we TRUTH BOMB these ROADBLOCKS TO FREEDOM and OPEN UP the HIGHWAY to LIGHT, TRUTH, JUSTICE, and TRUE FREEDOM. Every time you hear a LIE, another BOGUS COURT CASE being launched, a RESTRICTIVE LAW being considered, more SCHEMES to take your money—don’t get ANGRY, get STRATEGIC! You SPEAK OUT the TRUTH into the ATMOSPHERE as a FREQUENCY WEAPON that begins to BLOW HOLES in the ROADBLOCKS. REFUSE to be FEARFUL or INTIMIDATED by the BOASTING MOUTH of Leviathan. Declare: ‘By the AUTHORITY of the name and Blood of Jesus, I put a SOCK in Leviathan’s mouth. Let it MUFFLE and CONFUSE the LYING VOICE and let our voices of TRUTH RING OUT LOUD and CLEAR.’ Together, we will TARGET these ROADBLOCKS TO FREEDOM, and a highway to the Kingdom of God will be OPENED for all to journey to a time of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, and PLENTY.”

8.    July 27, 2024


It came into my mind this morning to ask for an anointing that everything I touch would come alive. A brilliant prompting from Holy Spirit.

“All LIFE originates in Me and through Me because I AM LIFE. Whatever I SPEAK LIFE to and whatever I TOUCH COMES ALIVE IN ME. There is NO DEATH ever in Heaven because everything there is FREELY CONNECTED to My LIFE. Nothing of SIN or SICKNESS or SORROW is allowed to penetrate the Kingdom of Heaven. Nothing the enemy SOWED into the earth and into mankind through his REBELLION will ever penetrate the BEAUTIFUL KINGDOM OF LIGHT. No SELF-PROMOTION, GREED, HATRED, MURDER, PERVERSION, or CORRUPTION will touch My Kingdom of LIFE, LIGHT, and JOY. It is My plan to RESTORE this kind of Kingdom LIFE on the earth. I AM calling you to PARTNER with Me in the RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. As you DRAW NEAR to Me, more and more of My LIFE and LOVE will fill you, and the DARKNESS around you will be DISSOLVED and LIFE will SPRING FORTH. If you ASK Me, I will release an ANOINTING to you that EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH WILL COME ALIVE. As you REFUSE to partner with darkness through UNBELIEF, JEALOUSY, BITTERNESS, GOSSIP, or a CRITICAL SPIRIT, the MORE ROOM you make for My LIFE to manifest in you and through you. EVERYTHING COMES ALIVE in My Kingdom. OPEN your heart FULLY to My LIFE, and EVERYTHING WE TOUCH WILL COME ALIVE.”

Lyrics “Everything Comes Alive” by Jonathan Clarke

Broken hearts mended, minds reinvented, whatever You breathe on is coming alive.

God You restore us, put glory before us, whatever You love on is coming alive.

Everything comes alive in You, and You make us, You make us new.


July 27, 2023


“Your enemies may begin to CROW with DELIGHT thinking their lawsuits against your rightful leader are SUCCEEDING and that his FALL is imminent. I want you to REMEMBER THIS: WHEN IT LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE WINNING, THEY ARE ACTUALLY LOSING. They are FOCUSED on the TRAP they have laid for My CHOSEN LEADER. Their ARROGANCE has BLINDED them to the fact that all their ACCUSATIONS against your rightful leader are things THEY HAVE DONE; and, SUDDENLY, all these accusations will BOOMERANG back onto them. They have walked into My HUGE BEAR TRAP and EVERYTHING and MORE that they accused My chosen leader of will COME BACK on them with a VENGEANCE. SNAP! Goes the TRAP that I QUIETLY LAID behind the scenes, and the darkness will find itself CRUSHED in its JAWS. The DOWNFALL they planned for My leader and for you, will become THEIR DOWNFALL—complete EXPOSURE, Leviathan media REVEALED as one BIG LIE, and all that was STOLEN will be UNCOVERED and RETURNED. Don’t CAVE IN to FEAR and ANXIETY when it looks like they are winning. Remember that My TRAP is BIGGER than their trap, and My trap SNAPPING SHUT on them will be a HUGE SHOCK and SURPRISE to the darkness. Continue to UPHOLD TRUTH and LIGHT; release My GLORY into LIES, CHAOS, and FEAR; declare ‘YOU LOSE, WE WIN!’ REMEMBER THAT WHEN IT LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE WINNING, THEY ARE ACTUALLY LOSING.”


10.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

July 22, 2022


“All of Heaven is behind this rescue operation to SAVE A NATION. No matter how DARK it may appear to your human eyes, understand that the VICTORY IS SURE, and it cannot be turned back. Realize that some of the DARKNESS will actually come from My hand and that My darkness will NOT bring bad things, it will be a COVER of PROTECTION for brave men and women to move into POSITION to take back CORRUPT AREAS of government, military, and powerful agencies. This TAKEOVER, under cover of darkness, will happen QUICKLY and QUIETLY and when the lights come back on, RIGHTEOUS LEADERSHIP will be in place, and the general population will be kept SAFE and OUT OF THE LINE OF FIRE. Remember that darkness and light are alike to Me—I see clearly through both. You will have that ability, too, if you REFUSE to PARTNER with FEAR and determine to STAY IN FAITH by My side. I will give you the ABILITY to see which darkness is from the enemy and is to be RESISTED and which darkness is from Me so that you can PARTNER with Me in CALLING FORTH its purposes to TAKE BACK My territory, My Nation, and to turn on the LIGHT of My GLORY over a NATION THAT HAS BEEN SAVED.”


11.                   July 28, 2024


“The darkness is THROWING OUT every THREAT they have in their ARSENAL in order to OVERWHELM people: FEAR of war, nuclear weapons, civil war, food shortages, food poisoning, strange sicknesses, financial crashes, and fierce storms. They want to cause such FEAR, UNCERTAINTY, and ANXIETY that people will COMPLY with the CONTROLLING MEASURES that the darkness rolls out. HOW DO YOU COUNTER THESE RISING THREATS OF DARKNESS? REFUSE to take the BAIT of the FEAR PORN being dished up by the darkness. Realize that the THREATS are many but, in reality, their RESOURCES are becoming FEWER to carry out these threats. On the other hand, you are becoming MORE OF A THREAT to the darkness because you are realizing how POWERFUL I AM over the darkness and that as My Son or Daughter, you carry My AUTHORITY and POWERFUL SPIRITUAL WEAPONS. Heaven IS NOT LACKING POWER or RESOURCES. The enemy’s plans are PREDICTABLE, and easily COUNTERED by My BRILLIANT STRATEGIES. Is there THREATENED LACK? You respond by being WILDLY GENEROUS. THREATS of CIVIL WAR and DIVISION? You ask for My eyes to see what My ORIGINAL DESIGN was for someone, and you CALL IT FORTH in their lives. What about THREATS of WAR between nations? SEND My Host to PUT OUT the FIRES of HATRED and VIOLENCE the darkness is trying to light and RELEASE My PEACE and the PRESENCE of My Kingdom SOLUTIONS. WORRY, FEAR, and FRETTING open you up to being TORMENTED by the darkness. Realize you and My Angel Armies are My COUNTERMEASURE to the darkness, and you will see the darkness CRUMBLE before you, as their THREATS turn to DRIBBLE on their chins. GO FORTH in My LIGHT, My LOVE, and My POWER, and we will COUNTER THE DARKNESS and BRING IN the Kingdom of PEACE and PLENTY.”

12.                   July 29, 2024


“Do you have people in your lives who still believe the media’s FALSE NARRATIVES and who think you are a bit CRA-CRA? Are there those in your life whose IDENTITIES have been STOLEN and who have BELIEVED LIES about their gender and sexual orientation? You know that WORDS are NOT going to BREAK THROUGH the FOG of DECEPTION that keeps them LOCKED into LIES. Is there HOPE for these ones CAPTURED by the CRAVEN DARKNESS? Do you remember how you came to KNOW Me? Was it PERSUASIVE WORDS or was it THE POWER OF MY LOVE BREAKING THROUGH until your heart was CAPTURED by My LOVE and LIGHT? NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF MY LOVE. It can BREAK THROUGH any BARRIER of LIES or DECEPTION. It can OVERPOWER any LIE a heart has believed. It can COMFORT a BROKEN HEART, and it can PUT BACK TOGETHER any FRACTURED HEART. My LOVE is so POWERFUL that it can even PIERCE the darkness of a CORRUPT and GREEDY heart and TURN it to the LIGHT. My LOVE is the MOST POWERFUL WEAPON against the DARK PLANS and HATRED that the enemy releases into mankind. One of the most EFFECTIVE PRAYERS you can pray is to RELEASE the POWER OF MY LOVE into the HEARTS of the DECEIVED. Release ENCOUNTERS with My LOVE into their lives, and they will be SET FREE. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF MY LOVE.”

Lyrics by Geoffrey Bullock “The Power of My Love”

Lord I come to You, let my heart be changed, renewed; flowing from the grace I’ve found in You, and Lord I’ve come to know the weaknesses I see in me, will be stripped away by the power of Your love.

Hold me close, let Your love surround me. Bring me near, draw me to Your side, and as I wait, I’ll rise up like the eagle, and I will soar with You; Your Spirit leads me on, in the power of Your love.

13.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

July 22, 2022


“All of Heaven is behind this rescue operation to SAVE A NATION. No matter how DARK it may appear to your human eyes, understand that the VICTORY IS SURE, and it cannot be turned back. Realize that some of the DARKNESS will actually come from My hand and that My darkness will NOT bring bad things, it will be a COVER of PROTECTION for brave men and women to move into POSITION to take back CORRUPT AREAS of government, military, and powerful agencies. This TAKEOVER, under cover of darkness, will happen QUICKLY and QUIETLY and when the lights come back on, RIGHTEOUS LEADERSHIP will be in place, and the general population will be kept SAFE and OUT OF THE LINE OF FIRE. Remember that darkness and light are alike to Me—I see clearly through both. You will have that ability, too, if you REFUSE to PARTNER with FEAR and determine to STAY IN FAITH by My side. I will give you the ABILITY to see which darkness is from the enemy and is to be RESISTED and which darkness is from Me so that you can PARTNER with Me in CALLING FORTH its purposes to TAKE BACK My territory, My Nation, and to turn on the LIGHT of My GLORY over a NATION THAT HAS BEEN SAVED.”

14.                   *Jane Hamon: dark to light - Paris

A Sign of Revival??? After the blasphemous display at the Olympics yesterday, could it be a sign from God that Paris, the “City of Lights,” went dark with a power outage? The only building still lit up was my favorite place in Paris, Sacre Cour, a church that sits on the hill overlooking the city. Did you know this church has hosted 24/7 continuous prayer since 1885!!!! Lord, send revival to the people of Paris & the French speaking world. Arise & Shine City of Lights and break out of the darkness!

15.                   October 22, 2021


“Amidst the dark and troubling plots and schemes those partnered with darkness will attempt to carry out during these LAST, DYING DAYS of their rule, you will hear MY VOICE OF THUNDER. My voice will THUNDER through natural and spiritual shakings. The natural shakings will be SIGNS AND WONDERS in the heavens and on the earth—volcanoes, earthquakes, winds, fires, strange weather systems. My VOICE OF THUNDER awakens the earth to respond in this way. These are not My judgments, they are the earth REACTING to all the evil that has been done by those serving darkness. These natural occurrences will AWAKEN people to the seriousness of the hour, and they will begin to seek Me and run to My LOVE and PROTECTION. My VOICE OF THUNDER in the spiritual realm will release EXTREME EXPOSURE, the HAMMER of My JUDGMENT, and My system of JUSTICE into the earth. The evil schemes and My thunderous plans will release SHOCKWAVES, so it is imperative that you find your REFUGE in the shelter of My wings, CLOSE to My heart, and I will see you through to a VERY HAPPY ENDING.” 

PSALM 29:3-4 “The voice of the Lord echoes through the skies and seas. The Glory-God reigns as He thunders in the clouds. So powerful is His voice, so brilliant and bright—how majestic as He thunders over the great waters! (TPT)

Kingdom Age Scriptures and Book Recommendation:

Daniel 2:35; 7:14, 21-22; 26-27
Isaiah 61: 1-4
Romans 8: 18-21

Book: Johnny Enlow’s new book for further Scripture confirmations and foundations of the Kingdom Age: “Kingdom Come!”  Available on Amazon and his website: 


  1. Hold on to God's unchanging Hand !

  2. Thank you for reminding us of all these amazing promises of God! I was so blessed to read them again in this form on this day! I needed a "pep" talk and boy did this do it! I am so excited about the future! I want everyone I know to be excited as well! Most of my friends think it is rapture time, and trying to get them to understand what God's plans are, has proven to be very difficult! I will instruct them to turn to your posts again. This time, with all these listed they should be able to see the Amazing and Mighty work the Lord is doing and inviting us to work with HIm!!! Thanks again for all your work for the Kingdom my friend!

    1. Yes! So awesome ❤️

    2. Callie Simons - AWJ teamJuly 31, 2024 at 11:26 AM

      God bless you for your support and your great faith!

  3. I so needed to hear journal nugget from July 23, 2023. Thank you God. I love you so much! Thank you for returning my family prodigals back to You. I’m awaiting the miracle. My eyes are open wide to see it.

    1. Callie Simons - AWJ teamJuly 31, 2024 at 11:23 AM

      Amen! God bless you!

  4. This is wonderful when you do these journal nuggets from past and present. Thank you Diana.

    1. Callie Simons - AWJ teamJuly 31, 2024 at 11:26 AM

      Thank you so much for supporting Diana!


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