September 26, 2024

PSALM 26:3-4 (TPT) “I will never lose sight of Your love for me. Your faithfulness has steadied my steps. I won’t keep company with tricky, two-faced men, nor will I go the way of those who defraud with hidden motives.”
“I AM in this day EXPOSING TRICKY, TWO-FACED MEN AND WOMEN. These are those who live a DOUBLE LIFE. They CONVINCE themselves and others that they have GOOD MOTIVES. They tell themselves that using DECEPTIVE and DESTRUCTIVE ways to achieve their motives is ACCEPTABLE and NECESSARY. They PRETEND to be HUMBLE and FOR the people but in reality, they think they are ABOVE the common people and that they DESERVE to be WEALTHY and POWERFUL. These TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE know how to say what you WANT TO HEAR but their HEARTS are FAR FROM you, and they really only CARE for themselves. BEWARE of these TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE because they will eventually cause great DESTRUCTION in your lives, your churches, and your nation. They will EAT YOUR LUNCH and STEAL everything you have in the name of their ‘GOOD’ cause. Ask for EYES to SEE and HEARTS that KNOW and RECOGNIZE these TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE. Don’t be TAKEN IN by their CHARM and their WORDS that seem ‘RIGHT.’ Don’t DISCOUNT that UNSETTLED FEELING you have with these DECEPTIVE people. It is My DISCERNMENT showing you HIDDEN MOTIVES and WARNING you to NOT BE TAKEN IN by these TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE. You can PRAY for them to be SET FREE but DO NOT ALLOW them to be in your CIRCLE of INFLUENCE. Pray that they will be EXPOSED, BLOCKED, and REMOVED from all areas of society. You must realize that the TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE are MORE DANGEROUS than the OPENLY EVIL ONES. If you are not discerning, they have the ability to GET CLOSE to you and to do GREAT DAMAGE in your LIFE and the life of your NATION. WALK CLOSELY with Me, and I will SHOW you who the TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE are. As these are SWEPT from your world, INSIGHT, WISDOM, and FREEDOM will GROW and BLESS ALL.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. The Olympics....the opening ceremony....Listen to Johnathan Cahn explain what it was all about....

  2. Same kind of evil ceremony at super bowl half time and Biden swearing in .

    1. Obama swearing in ceremony also .

  3. I feel like we’re surrounded by people like this in every aspect of our daily lives. The corrupt church using your tithes for corruption and laundering, to your local business that are overloaded by the mafia; used for corrupt purposes such as running their drugs and other corrupt paraphernalia to anything else their debased minds can conjure up. I was invited to a Bible study where the women who said she was the divorced wife of a pastor was using the occasion as a way to draft others to be in her drug trafficking business. It had a more serious component specifically for me but I won’t go into that here. The evil I see in my area is startling and I’m sure that it’s everywhere. The tricky two-faced ex-pastors wife mentioned above is sickening and Btw: I knew what they were up to I just didn’t know the depth of their depravity or intentions. Beware of everyone and I do mean everyone you’re around. I can only conclude that our Father has shown me all of this lawlessness for a reason. I pray that I’m not too slow to see and understand His intentions on my life. 2Timothy3:1-5 has real right now meaning. If you haven’t read it read it again. Every time I read it the meaning gets more real.

    1. Your local favorite medical doctor can be involved in child trafficking and pornography or he may be involved in drug trafficking or some other form of smuggling. The most “successful” people you know could possibly be involved in the above mentioned. Your friends son may be a huge drug dealer; involved I child pornography distribution and your local DA and court system is deeply corrupt. This is everywhere some places worse than others. I’ve seen this personally I’m speaking from experience; I’m not trying to scare you, I’m telling you this is real. But the CHOAS is collapsing; most people have a “side” business; you hear people say, ‘crime pays,’. That’s what they mean. This ‘system’ can’t hold up because too many people are involved in the corruption; it’s going to collapse by it’s on weight and of course by the hand of God. I’m so vexed by this lawlessness and corruption that it’s hard to even make any decisions to move forward.

    2. Monitors you’re welcome to remove this posting at any time. I just felt like putting this out there because I was so in the dark until just a few years ago. I never would believe what I saw unless I’d seen it myself and I now from recent past post that it’s worst than what I mentioned above. You all may know this already so forgive me for my naivety. I’m usually the last to know anything. That may be a good sign.

    3. 2 Tim 3.6 says: "the kind who worm their way into homes and Gain Control over gullible women. . ." what would that have meant back in their day?
      And it could also be seen as a warning for our day regarding television shows starting with Donoghue and then especially Orpah (her birth certificate name - the daughter-in-law of Ruth who knew God's way and TURNED BACK).
      Orpah introduced an unknown Barry Obama back in the day in IOWA.
      How did Orpah become a King Maker? Orpah who nibbled Weinstein's ear in public.
      Orpah whose ordained successor was Ellen Degeneris. . . normalizing perversion in the after school, get home from work slot.

    4. What we are living in right now, what’s finally being exposed, is NOT the American Dream. God send your Illumination Angels to bring the Light to the unawakened! May they put their Trust in You first, in Jesus’ name. May they be discipled according to Your Word, Your Plan, realizing their destiny can only begin in You, Jesus.

    5. All of your local parks and hiking trails are controlled by gangs that’s why sometimes they break into your car or vandalism it in some way. I use to hike 6-10 miles a day on a 5 Star Hotel hiking trail. A high level drug dealer was a golf instructor there and used the surrounding underbrush to stow his drugs for the runner to pickup. They stalked me several times leaving the course it took me over a year to figure out why. These drug dealers hide their drugs in your grocery stores behind other goods and sit back and wait for the other drug dealer to pick up up. Or they have someone in the store who they pay of course to watch until the item is delivered. It’s everywhere.

    6. These are all real things that are going on . How glad we should be that God has said He will show up with Heaven's force to handle the situation [ of course with our help ] .

    7. Just like God used David in the old testament , He will use His modern David [TRUMP] to take off some heads . Get to work to promote Trump and vote for Him as soon as you are able !

  4. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name. All the Glory, Honor and Praise belong to You. HALLELUJAH!

    We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    Father, we THANK YOU for informing us, “I AM in this day EXPOSING TRICKY, TWO-FACED MEN AND WOMEN.” We partner with You, and
    . . . EXPOSE their double lives.
    . . . EXPOSE their deceptive and destructive ways.
    . . . EXPOSE their pretensions of being humble and caring.
    . . . EXPOSE THEM, NOW. In Jesus Name.

    Father, we humbly come before Your Throne and “Ask for “eyes to see” and “hearts that know and recognize” these tricky, two-faced people.
    • We DECLARE we will NOT be taken in by their charm and their words that seem right.

    We THANK YOU for giving us Discernment revealing hidden motives and warning us to not be taken-in by these tricky, two-faced people.
    • We DECLARE we will not discount that unsettled feeling about these deceptive people.

    Father, THANK YOU for warning us, “You must realize that the tricky, two-faced people are more dangerous than the openly evil ones.”
    • We DECLARE we will NOT ALLOW them to be in our circle of influence.
    • We PRAY for them to be SET FREE.
    • We PRAY that they will be EXPOSED, BLOCKED, and REMOVED from all areas of society.
    • WE DECREE we are covered by the BLOOD of Jesus and they do NOT have the ability to get close to us or cause damage in our life and the life of our Nation.

    And now, Father, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
    • WE CALL FORTH Boomerangs of Judgment and Justice.
    • We CALL FORTH our Nation to Resurrection Life.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Season of Seedtime and Harvest.
    • WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
    • WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
    • WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
    • WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Era.


    Father, we THANK YOU for lovingly telling us, “Walk closely with Me, and I will show you who the tricky, two-faced people are. As these are swept from your world, insight, wisdom, and freedom will grow and bless all.” We place ourselves under Your Wing of Protection and walk in Your Shadow, confidently looking up to You for discernment and guidance

    We PROCLAIM PSALM 26:3-4 (TPT)
    “I will never lose sight of Your love for me. Your faithfulness has steadied my steps. I won’t keep company with tricky, two-faced men, nor will I go the way of those who defraud with hidden motives.”

    We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    “THY KINGDOM COME, on earth as it is in Heaven!”
    In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!


    Mighty Hosts, thank you for your loyalty and obedience to LORD SABAOTH, our KING OF GLORY. We appreciate all you are doing for us. WE COMMISION you to destroy the enemy with our declarations; fulfill our prayers of faith; and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    Warrior Hosts, as you proceed, SHOUT . . .

    Warrior Hosts, GO FORTH NOW!

    HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    1. CONQUERED. Our King reigns! Thank you!

  5. I’ve been decreeing David’s declaration against The Lord’s enemies❤️‍🔥

    “David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!””
    ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭17‬:‭45‬-‭47‬( ‭NLT‬‬)

    1. very much fitting the attitude we need !

    2. Many heads will be looped off !

  6. I recently purchased the book Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda by Megan Basham! I've only read 29 pages, and I'm like, you've got to be kidding me! You know, you REALIZE that CHURCHES are being COMPROMISED & unfortunately they have been for years! HOWEVER, I still CAN'T believe as to HOW two-faced people are NOT just in the WORLD but in the CHURCH! God WARNED us in his WORD how these THINGS would happen in the LAST days! I guess I never THOUGHT I'd live to see the day that this AMOUNT of DECEPTION, DEBAUCHERY, and WITCHCRAFT is being used in the CHURCH! However, we are STRONG through the LORD & WE ARE WINNING & The ENEMY & his minions are reaping what they have SOWN! Our weapons of WARFARE are decimating the ENEMY'S plans! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

    1. That’s why so many people left the church. They talk about being abused hurt or excluded that’s all witchcraft that’s infiltrated the church. They blame each other but in reality the enemy moved in the church under a disguise. All on purpose all planned while most have no idea what’s going on. And a little cognitive dissonance hard to see something that you don’t believe in. Satan and his minions are real and have been attacking the church for probably always just gotten a lot worse.

  7. I was reading Diana’s blog for September 26, 2023. A comment was made asking if that blog dated September 26, 2023 was confirmation of another post from The commenter referenced I’ve been trying to find the exact ElijahList the commenter was referring to that lined up with Diana’s post that day, but I can’t. Maybe someone whose has been reading Diana’s post last year could help out? I’ve only started this year to read Diana’s post and I’m trying to line up September 26, 2023 with the post commented on maybe that date or near that date. Thanks to anyone that can help!

    1. By the way, Diana commented that it was a confirmation.

  8. Ok, let's talk about the WEATHER! Many are experiencing FLOODS, TORNADOES, HURRICANES, and POWER OUTAGES. Remember what we were told about weather patterns? Below are just a few posts that I found regarding weather!Let's Go ARMY of LIGHT 👑🤺✝️⚔️🛡

    🟣~June 20, 2022 - THE CUTTING EDGE. (A Blueprint)
    from A watchman's Journal
    Do not allow ANYTHING the enemy TRIES —protests, media lies, lab-created sickness, destructive 👉WEATHER, threats of war, financial breakdown—to go UNCHALLENGED. Take AUTHORITY over all these DARK plans and bring them CRASHING DOWN; RELEASE My good plans and My glory into your Land; COUNTER lies with My truth; DECLARE an outbreak of healing to triumph over any outbreak of sickness; in the face of financial loss, AFFIRM that I AM your source and generous PROVIDER; NULLIFY threats of war with My peace; REMEMBER you have AUTHORITY over DESTRUCTIVE weather stirred up by the enemy. My STRENGTH (Psalm 31:4) and My SWORD are always available to you—be MY CUTTING EDGE!”

    🟣May 15, 2023~CALLED TO CONQUER - So, My children, you can see that I do use WEATHER and NATURAL DISASTERS to UNCOVER, to DEAL WITH, and to SWEEP AWAY our enemies.👉 Your ASSIGNMENT is to RELEASE THE HOST to CARRY OUT My PLANS and that the Host and Angels would PROTECT the innocent and keep them out of HARM’S WAY. Don’t get WIMPY on Me when My POWER BREAKS OPEN the heavens and the earth. I AM with you and those you COVER in prayer. These EPIC EVENTS are meant as JUDGMENT against the wicked. I will be your COVERING and your PEACE. FIGHT by My side—you are not WEAKLINGS; you are CALLED TO CONQUER!”

    🟣July 22, 2023~REVERSE THE CURSE - You can see MAN-MADE DISEASES, TAINTED INJECTIONS, 👉MANIPULATED WEATHER, UNNECESSARY WARS, and CONFLICTS, and DIVISION SOWN into your populations. I want to give you a SIMPLE but POWERFUL TOOL to COMBAT all the darkness has released on people. Wherever you see the CURSE of DARKNESS displayed, simply say, 👉‘I REVERSE THE CURSE OF THIS—DISEASE, SHOT, WEATHER, WAR, DIVISION—and I RELEASE GOD’S BLESSING, PEACE, and RESTORATION in the place of the curse.’ Your words of BLESSING are more POWERFUL than anything the darkness CURSES.

    1. Thank you. Regarding May 15,2023 comment how do we know if a weather pattern/storm is from God or one that was manufactured by evil ways?

    2. I feel so blessed to here. Thank You Father !!

  9. We have seen tornadoes here in the past. However, every time I hear about a storm or even a possibility of a tornado, I speak to that storm! Have you noticed that THEY (MSM) always name the storm. So, my fellow warriors, this makes it easy for us to take authority over it in Jesus's name! For example: Hurrican Helene, I speak to you, Hurricane Helene. I take authority over you in Jesus' Name. You will not cause death or destruction! You will not come anywhere near my home, my city, my state, or my country! Your winds will die down, and your rains will not cause floods! Be gone in Jesus' name!


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