
Showing posts from November, 2024
  November 30, 2024 BOLD AS A LION PROVERBS 28:1 (NASB) The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion. “Rise up, My Army of Light, My RIGHTEOUS ones covered by the BLOOD of the Lamb, and be AS BOLD AS LIONS! Do you not SEE that the WICKED are FLEEING the country even though no one is PURSUING them at this time? Have you not HEARD all the HASTY and STAMMERING WITHDRAWALS of UNJUST WITCH HUNTS and LAW FARE? Do you NOTICE how QUIET some of the most vocal LIARS have become? The darkness has felt the ATMOSPHERE CHANGE since the election. They see that JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS are ROLLING in like a THUNDEROUS TSUNAMI WAVE, and they are FLEEING even before anyone PURSUES them. Did you FEEL the atmosphere SHIFT from dark to Light? Realize that your enemies are FLEEING right and left and that it is now time for you to be BOLD AS A LION and PURSUE the darkness until it has been COMPLETELY CONQUERED and CLEANSED from the Land. Send out ROARS of AUTHORITY marki...
  November 29, 2024 2025: A YEAR TO DRIVE, THRIVE, AND ARRIVE “2025 will be marked by EXPLOSIVE CHANGES. These changes will bring greater and greater levels of FREEDOM to you and your Nation. These MASSIVE SHAKE-UPS and CHANGES will RIPPLE OUT into the rest of the world. It is your ASSIGNMENT, Army of Light, to help DRIVE Heaven’s AGENDA of FREEDOM and VICTORY into its FULFILLMENT. I will supply the needed emotional and spiritual STRENGTH to see you through this war of dark to Light. You have many Hosts and Angels who have been sent to FIGHT with you and for you. Seek My Spirit to show you HOW TO WORK with the Armies of Heaven and how to use your Blood-bought AUTHORITY to ENFORCE Heaven’s VICTORY. This means declaring that ALL evil OPPOSITION and DEATH THREATS would be CANCELED against President Trump and those around him. Declare that President Trump would be put in place as the leader who will SET THE COURSE for GREAT FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE. This will also be a year of supernatura...
  November 28, 2024 EVERYTHING COMES ALIVE IN ME “Since I AM the SOURCE of all LIFE, when you SURRENDER your life to Me through My Son, EVERYTHING IN YOU COMES ALIVE IN ME. True JOY, deep SATISFACTION, HEALING, RESTORATION, and FULFILLMENT all come ALIVE IN ME. When I give LIFE, I add NO SORROW to it—only BLESSING. Seeking these things in your OWN STRENGTH never works because they are meant to FLOW FROM My PURE STREAM of LIFE into you. When you try to live life without Me, it is REBELLION from the One who MADE you, and SIN always opens the door to SELFISHNESS, GREED, and ADDICTION. Don’t SUBSTITUTE  these COUNTERFEITS for REAL LIFE in Me. I only have GOOD THINGS for you, so TRUST Me with it ALL because EVERYTHING COMES ALIVE IN ME.” Everything Comes Alive, lyrics by Jonathan Clarke Broken hearts mended and minds reinvented, whatever You breathe on is coming alive. God you restore us, put glory before us, whatever You love on is coming alive. Everything comes alive in You, You ...
  November 27, 2024 EXPLOITS Definition: a brilliant or heroic act “I AM about to do EXPLOITS in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth. My powerful right arm will move in STUNNING WAYS, and the people of the earth will be STUNNED, and principalities, powers, and rulers of the dark realm will be SHAKEN DOWN and their thrones DEMOLISHED. I AM doing EXPLOITS in response to the PRAYERS and FAITH of My Remnant and to prepare the way for the KINGDOM AGE to EXPAND and FILL the whole earth. (DANIEL 2:35) My Light is about to move in and ECLIPSE the darkness that has DEFILED My earth. I AM wielding My FLAMING SWORD against your adversaries in both the heavenly and the earthly realms, and NONE will be left standing. My EXPLOITS will cause SHOCK and AWE and no one will be able to DENY My POWER. I will become more than words on a page, as I show up with My EXPLOITS to RESCUE you from your DEFILING and HATEFUL enemy. As you follow My Spirit’s leading, you will also do EXPLOITS in SPIRI...
JOURNAL ENTRIES video HOW DO YOU OUTFOX THE FOXES? 11/26/24 HOW DO YOU OUTFOX THE FOXES? 1.     November 19, 2024 THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION—ROMANS 8:15 (NASB) For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” ROMANS 8:15 (TPT) And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as He rises up within us, our spirits join Him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!”  “How do the CRITICAL religious spirit, JEALOUSY, and SELFISH AMBITION find a place in a Believer’s heart? Most often it is because this person has NEVER FULLY RECEIVED THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION that was purchased for them through the Blood of My Son. Many of you have been called to be FOR...
  ACTION ITEMS: Video HOW DO YOU OUTFOX THE FOXES? November 26, 2024 *Here is the way to full freedom and acceptance in the spirit of adoption: forgive those who did not promote you or nurture you. Repent for listening to the Orphan Spirit, and ask that the Spirit of Adoption would flow into all the places where you felt ignored, wounded, and abandoned.  *Answer the call to true Sonship by living a surrendered life to the Father. *We are to align our hearts with God’s heart of scandalous mercy. We are to welcome home the prodigals and the evil-doers who turn to His mercy. *We are to continue to send Angels of Illumination to those who are still asleep or duped by the darkness and we are to welcome Angels of Illumination into our own lives so that we will know who He is, what He is doing, and the path He has chosen for us. *Don’t jump to conclusions about what is being reported in the news because things are not as they seem. We are to keep decreeing and declaring the uncoverin...
  November 26, 2024 THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS “What do I mean when I say in My Word (Acts 3:21) the PROMISE of a season of THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS? Does ALL THINGS really mean ALL THINGS? I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. You can EXPECT and join Me in CALLING FORTH THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. ALL THINGS!!! This means RESTORATION in your HEALTH. I AM REVERSING the CURSE of every DEATH AGENDA of Big Pharma. I AM RELEASING your bodies and your minds from the EFFECTS of drugs that were PURPOSEFULLY mixed with DEADLY SIDE EFFECTS. I AM RESTORING your AIR, your WATER, and your LAND so that they SUPPORT HEALTH and LONG LIFE instead of SHORTENING LIFESPANS. I AM RESTORING the CHURCH that has been COMPROMISED with FALSE doctrines regarding the SUPERNATURAL and the END TIMES teachings. These false doctrines have STRIPPED My Body of its POWER, its PURPOSE, and My PRESENCE. I will have a GLORIOUS Church that RULES and REIGNS with Me. I will RESTORE PROSPERITY, CREATIV...
  November 25, 2024 HOW DO YOU HEAL THE GREAT DIVIDE? “HOW DO YOU HEAL THE GREAT DIVIDE that exists among the people of your Nation? I AM NOT SPEAKING of the DIVIDE that exists between those that PURPOSEFULLY have CHOSEN to SERVE the DARKNESS and DEATH and those who have CHOSEN to PARTNER with My LIFE and LIGHT. This SEPARATION of DARKNESS and LIGHT is from Me, and it keeps the darkness from INFILTRATING and DEFILING the Light. The DIVIDE that I seek to HEAL is between those who HEAR My VOICE, the VOICES of the prophets, and who BELIEVE My PROMISES and those who have been DECEIVED by LYING media, COMPROMISED leaders, and the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT. Those who are DECEIVED cannot HEAR the VOICE of WISDOM or TRUTH, so you CAN’T ARGUE away or CONVINCE them they are believing LIES. This only causes GREATER FRICTION and TENSION in these relationships. There are TWO MAJOR FORCES that will help HEAL THE GREAT DIVIDE. These two forces are LOVE and TRUTH, and I AM the SOURCE of both of these. Allo...
  November 24, 2024 I PROTECT, PROVIDE, AND PROMOTE “My Church has been GREATLY COMPROMISED because they have NOT BELIEVED that I AM the One who PROTECTS them, PROVIDES for them, and PROMOTES them. Because I have been REDUCED to WORDS on a page and FAITH has become a WEAK MENTAL AGREEMENT of certain doctrines and rules, so many in My Church DO NOT KNOW My POWER and PRESENCE in their lives. This causes COMPROMISED BEHAVIOR, as people seek to PROMOTE themselves instead of believing I AM able and willing to FULFILL their scroll of destiny. SELF-PROMOTION breeds JEALOUSY, SELFISH AMBITION, and PERSONAL KINGDOM BUILDING. DEFILEMENT and COMPROMISE creep in because they seek to PROTECT their PERSONAL KINGDOM that they have built. This causes them to HIDE CORRUPTION and PERVERSION instead of CONFRONTING SIN and HELPING people find FREEDOM. These PERSONAL KINGDOM BUILDERS will say I AM their PROVIDER but in reality, they feel they must GENERATE INCOME to keep their kingdom going and growing...
  November 23, 2024 HOW DO YOU OUTFOX THE FOXES? “I have been giving My prophetic warriors SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE concerning the DESTRUCTIVE and OBSTRUCTIVE plans of the evil empire. I then give those fighting for the Light to TRIUMPH over the darkness those BLUEPRINTS, and I INSPIRE COUNTER STRATEGIES for DEFEATING or PRE-EMPTING the schemes of the darkness. This is how the Forces of Light are able to OUTFOX THE FOXES. How do you PREEMPT a DANGEROUS plan to start a WORLDWIDE CONFLICT? Wouldn’t it be BRILLIANT to SNATCH that evil plan out of the hands of the darkness by CREATING the ILLUSION of a new level of conflict? LOOK BEYOND what the news is reporting and SEE with My eyes and through the LENS of My PROMISES for your future. What if I have FOOLED the news into reporting what I AM DOING instead of what the darkness wants them to report? Be careful that you don’t JUMP to CONCLUSIONS about what is being reported—THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM. Let Me give you a glimpse into the en...
  November 22, 2024 ILLUMINATION, CONSECRATION, and DESPERATION  “I have declared this as a season of ILLUMINATION and CONSECRATION for the Remnant, My valiant Army of Light. I AM ILLUMINATING what has been HIDDEN in the darkness on all of the seven mountains of influence. I AM also ILLUMINATING the POWERS of the AGE to COME so that you can walk into its FULLNESS. (HEBREWS 6:5) ILLUMINATION requires CONSECRATION  (separating yourself from unclean things and joining yourself to the Holy One for His service). It calls you to a life that is lived in the LIGHT that I AM POURING OUT. When you SEPARATE yourself from the darkness and walk the path I AM ILLUMINATING for you, it becomes a path of SPIRITUAL POWER, and you will be a CONDUIT of the Kingdom Age of HEALING, RESTORATION, and ABUNDANCE. Remember that I asked you to SEND angels of ILLUMINATION to those who are still ASLEEP or DUPED by the darkness. I want you to continue doing that but I also want you to WELCOME Angels of...
  November 21, 2024 HOW DO I GET FREE FROM THE BONDAGE TO SIN? “The OUTWARD RELIGIOUS CONFORMITY that much of the Church has been teaching and modeling only produces PHARISEES that LOOK GOOD on the outside but inside are full of DEAD WORKS and BONDAGE TO SIN. Because the emphasis is on PERFORMANCE and OUTWARD BEHAVIOR, the REAL ISSUES of the heart are STUFFED DOWN and IGNORED. They are left to continue to GROW and GAIN POWER in the DARKNESS. Following outward RULES will NEVER set a person FREE from HIDDEN SIN and BONDAGE. You are seeing the UGLY OUTCOME of UNDEALT with SIN as EXPOSURE after EXPOSURE of hidden sexual perversion and corruption are UNCOVERED before the watching world. You will NEVER BE FREE from the BONDAGE TO SIN until it is taken out of the DARKNESS and BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT by CONFESSING your sin to someone you trust. Exposing sin to the LIGHT BREAKS ITS POWER and its HOLD over you. Confession can be COSTLY but remaining in DARKNESS and BONDAGE is EVEN MORE COSTLY...
  November 20, 2024– THE CALL TO TRUE SONSHIP As I sat on a bench with the Father in the Garden of Life, Enoch came and joined us and the thought came to me that the Father’s presence draws like a magnet, and we love to be in the circle of His love. The Father put an arm around Enoch and I. I heard the Father say, “Ah, My ancient Enoch and My modern day Enoch.” I understood that I represented an Enoch generation raised up to walk with the Father in true sonship power and authority. It was communicated to me that Enoch grew into operating as a Kingdom son and that he eventually  judged fallen angels and acted as an ambassador of the King declaring the King’s pronouncements, decisions, and judgments. The Father spoke: “Even as you fight VALIANTLY in these last battles before the GREAT VICTORY, keep in mind that you are in TRAINING to ANSWER THE CALL TO TRUE SONSHIP. The AMOUNT of INFLUENCE that you carry will be determined by HOW MUCH you have allowed Me to INFLUENCE YOUR LIFE. ...
  THE COMING PROSPERITY OF AMERICA ANNOUNCING: We are excited to announce that Terry Mouton (Moo-tawn) has taken over the Signs and Wonders Videos! Terri loves the Lord and is a professional photographer –which gives her a trained eye to see into God’s signs and wonders in the skies. Please email your photos to her with a brief description of what you see to her email: (description box) Her YouTube channel will be @signsofwonder Our next ANNOUNCEMENT: Patty Teichroew and Callie Simons of AWJ’s team are taking on the project of sharing what you all are hearing from the Lord. Please send your prophetic words, dreams, visions, encounters, confirmations, and testimonies to my email: Patty will go over all your submissions and choose which ones to send to Callie for posting on our social media sites. Callie plans to use different formats to highlight what you are sending in. Stay tuned to our social media sites to ...