March 31, 2023 2:00 p.m. I AM MOVING “I AM falling like the RAIN upon My people, I AM falling like the SNOW upon them, I AM BLOWING like the WIND across My people in this Land. I AM MOVING, I AM MOVING. I AM UNRELENTING, I will not be STAYED or STOPPED. I AM MOVING in such STRENGTH that if you are in My way, you will be MOWED DOWN, FLATTENED, and PUSHED ASIDE. My own have NOTHING TO FEAR; only fear Me, the Living God, as the One who holds your Nation in My hands, and WORSHIP Me. Those of the darkness should TREMBLE, ACID should be RISING in your throat because of the CHURNING in your stomach, and IMAGES should be BURNING in your mind of SUDDEN DESTRUCTION coming INEXORABLY towards you. PANIC and see the future with TERROR because I AM MOVING towards you. Come near, My Children, and FOLLOW the Lion of the Tribe of Judah as He MOVES across the earth.” Diana Larkin A Watchman’s Journal
Showing posts from March, 2023
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March 31, 2023 GIVE BACK WHAT WAS STOLEN! “Army of Light, you may not realize how CLOSE to VICTORY you are because of all the DIRT the enemy is THROWING UP into the air to DISTRACT you and to cause you to FEAR and DOUBT. Let Me ASSURE you that the LIGHT is continuing to TAKE BACK the GROUND STOLEN by men EMPOWERED by the darkness. Those partnered with EVIL are TOTTERING and LEANING and ready to FALL, and they will NEVER RISE AGAIN. Their MOUTHS are still BOASTING and filling the airwaves with LIES and THREATS, but it is only NOISE with less and less power behind it. Because their POWER STRUCTURES and their PLANS are IMPLODING, now is the time for Me to give you a NEW BATTLE DIRECTIVE. The enemy has STOLEN so many IDENTITIES from people of all generations but especially TARGETING the CHILDREN and YOUNG ADULTS. Having your IDENTITY STOLEN through sexual trauma and lies leaves the person without PURPOSE, and the enemy introduces them to DARKNESS and CONFUSION to fill the VOID. I AM givi
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March 30, 2023 STRENGTHEN THE THINGS THAT REMAIN “As you walk with Me through a way you have NEVER BEEN BEFORE, you will have more PEACE and more STRENGTH if you LEAVE BEHIND DEAD WORKS and LAY DOWN BURDENS I never asked you to carry. DEAD WORKS and unnecessary BURDENS only WEIGH you DOWN, SAP your STRENGTH, and open places for FEAR to enter into your thoughts and your heart. DEAD WORKS come out of the heart and mind of MAN. They have the APPEARANCE of GOOD, but they are NOT INSPIRED or EMPOWERED by My Spirit. Much of the Church HONORS the DEAD WORKS of man, but they eventually result in BURNOUT, and they bear LITTLE FRUIT. Ask My Spirit to SHOW YOU where there are DEAD WORKS in your own life because you do not want to carry them into this NEW SEASON where PARTNERING with My GLORY and FLOWING with the Spirit of LIFE will bring the POWER and GRACE of Heaven to earth. Partnering with My GLORY will bring GREAT FRUITFULNESS into your life, and you will leave behind the STRIVING and EXHAU
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March 29, 2023 HEAVEN IS INVADING THE EARTH “You have become aware of the MASSIVE WEB of evil people and dark agendas that have been raised up in HIDDENNESS and DISGUISE all over the world. They have their LYING media prophets spreading their LIES and DARK AGENDAS for them. They look UNSTOPPABLE, and there are still so many ASLEEP and UNAWARE of the DANGER the world is in from this DARK FORCE. DO NOT FEAR because HEAVEN IS HERE! HEAVEN IS INVADING the earth with a MASSIVE amount of HOSTS and ANGELS. We FAR OUTWEIGH the forces of darkness in NUMBER and in POWER. The DELIVERANCE of Israel at the Red Sea is still talked about today. HEAVEN INVADED EARTH in that specific location to soundly DEFEAT the enemy. The MASS DELIVERANCE and CLEAN UP of evil that is coming to your world, is MANY TIMES GREATER than the Red Sea rescue. The INVASION FORCE FROM HEAVEN has already TOUCHED the earth, and you can see the RESULTS in OUTBREAKS of the Holy Spirit bringing the PRESENCE, the POWER, and the GLO
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ACTION ITEMS: March 28, 2023 Video THE STORM CLOUDS ARE GATHERING ACTION ITEMS: *The storm clouds are gathering but we are not to be afraid—this storm is for the wicked. *We will be the restorers of our land, our families, our institutions (financed by the wicked). *We are to practice our searching skills and our discernment so we are able to recognize propaganda and smooth lies. We will help others learn to search and discern—especially when the sounds of silence fill the air. *Teach people to have a foundation in the Word of God—it helps us see from His perspective. *Bring our questions to the Holy Spirit, He will answer us based on truth and righteousness. Be ready to direct people to God who is the fount of all wisdom and knowledge. *Ask for His miracle working power to fall on our own lives, our families, our nation. Ask the Holy Spirit to enlarge our hearts to receive all the miracles He has planned to release to us. *We have a choice whether to receive the Spirit
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March 28, 2023 THE SEARCH FOR SIGNIFICANCE “Because man is made in Our IMAGE, he has a need to live a SIGNIFICANT LIFE. There is an INBORN DESIRE to leave a MARK on the world and on those around you. The enemy offers to FAST TRACK you to FAME and FORTUNE, but his path causes you to LOSE YOUR SOUL and to become his CAPTIVE to GREED and a HUNGER FOR POWER to CONTROL others. If only those who SOLD THEIR SOULS to the enemy could see that they are just being vessels the enemy USES to FULFILL his FRUSTRATED POWER GRAB. Those partnered with darkness will end their lives in SHAME and LOSS. Those who live their lives in COMMUNION with Me, will achieve LIVES OF SIGNIFICANCE. Heaven views SIGNIFICANCE through a DIFFERENT LENS then what the world views as SIGNIFICANT. The lives Heaven views as SIGNIFICANT are those lives CLOSELY PARTNERED with the HEART of your God. They see people with OUR EYES, and they EXTEND OUR LOVE to the UNLOVELY, HOPE to the HOPELESS, and LIFE to the DYING. You may not s
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March 27, 2023 YOU ARE ARISING “My Sons and Daughters of LIGHT, YOU ARE ARISING as those who RULE and REIGN by My side. Your PRAYERS, DECREES, and FAITH have mounted up, and the SCALES have been TIPPED. Dark THRONES are FALLING, and YOU ARE ARISING to take their places of evil rule with My rule of RIGHTEOUSNESS and FREEDOM. Heaven has INVADED the earth, and it is manifesting wherever hearts are YIELDED to My HEART and My PURPOSES. You are not IMAGINING that a GIGANTIC SHIFT has taken place. Darkness has LOST ITS GRIP over your lives and your Nation, and YOU ARE ARISING to bring in the VICTORY in all the FULLNESS that I planned. Oh, Leviathan will continue to SCREECH that the CORRUPT are the GOOD GUYS and that they are still in CONTROL. The REALITY is you will WATCH them IMPLODE in SLOW MOTION. It will be seen on CAMERA as people and props SLOWLY FALL DOWN. The darkness FELT the POWER SHIFT, and they are DOUBLING DOWN on their DARK AGENDAS. You have the AUTHORITY and the POSITION to P
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March 26, 2023 THE TRAIN OF HIS ROBE FILLED THE TEMPLE ISAIAH 6:1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. (ESV) “Isaiah described seeing THE TRAIN OF MY ROBE FILLING THE TEMPLE because it IMPACTED him greatly. My ROBE and its TRAIN are an EXTENSION of Me. It contains ALL of WHO IAM—My GLORY, My MAJESTY, My WHOLENESS, My ALL-SUFFICIENCY. It supplies and maintains Heaven’s ATMOSPHERE of GLORY and WHOLENESS—nothing missing, nothing broken. I have heard you ask for My GLORY TO FALL, cry out for DELIVERANCE from the enemy, call out for EXPOSURE of DEEP DARKNESS, and a RESTORATION of RIGHTEOUSNESS; and I AM responding by coming among you with THE TRAIN OF MY ROBE FILLING YOUR TEMPLE so that you become CARRIERS of My GLORY and My HOLINESS. I will also visit gatherings of SEEKING HEARTS, and THE TRAIN OF MY ROBE WILL FILL those places, bringing HEALING, DELIVERANCE, HOLINESS, and WHOLENESS. What
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March 25, 2023 THE POWER TO TRANSFORM “One of the Holy Spirit’s greatest powers is THE POWER TO TRANSFORM. He hovered over creation and brought ORDER and LIGHT into the CHAOS and DARKNESS. He set in MOTION our plan of TRANSFORMATION POWER into the earth. This is why every year you see the MIRACLE of a dead, cold winter landscape come ALIVE, turn GREEN, display colorful BLOSSOMS, and bring forth FRUIT—it is THE POWER TO TRANSFORM in a visual, tangible way. My Spirit also has THE POWER TO TRANSFORM human lives from the DARKNESS and LIFELESSNESS of sin to a NEW CREATION of ever-increasing LIGHT. The earth has no say in whether or not it RESPONDS to THE POWER OF TRANSFORMATION, but you, the CROWN of My creation, you above all other created things, have a CHOICE whether to receive and COOPERATE with THE POWER OF TRANSFORMATION. You determine how much ROOM you make in your life for My Spirit’s POWER TO TRANSFORM. YIELDING and SURRENDERING to My Spirit are key, as He works in your life to C
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March 24, 2023 I AM A MIRACLE WORKING GOD “I AM and I have ALWAYS been A MIRACLE WORKING GOD. I have HEARD My peoples’ voices CRYING OUT for DELIVERANCE and RELIEF because of the harshness of the season, and for VICTORY over the darkness that wants to CONSUME you. Just as in the days of Moses when the people CRIED OUT to Me for DELIVERANCE, I will COME DOWN, My FOOT will TOUCH the earth, and you will see A MIRACLE WORKING GOD. No one could mistake the MIRACLE of the RED SEA PARTING, as I made a way of DELIVERANCE open before them. I AM going to DELIVER your Nation, and it will go ALL AROUND the WORLD to set people FREE because many PHARAOHS have arisen to expand the empire of darkness that STEALS, KILLS, and DESTROYS. You will see NATIONWIDE MIRACLES take place, but I will also bring My MIRACLE WORKING POWER into the lives of HUNGRY, SEEKING people. You have already seen the BEGINNINGS of this taking place, as My GLORY touches people where the POWER and FIRE of My Spirit is BREAKING
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March 23, 2023 THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE “A day will come when I SILENCE the VOICE of the enemy speaking through his PUPPETS, the MEDIA. What will people do when there are not voices telling them what to THINK and how to FEEL? People have grown so DEPENDENT on and MESMERIZED by the LYING MEDIA that they have LOST the ABILITY to THINK THINGS THROUGH or to be able to SEPARATE TRUTH FROM LIES. DISCERNMENT has FALLEN by the wayside because people have been SLOWLY DUPED into depending on others for information, rather than learning to SEARCH A MATTER OUT. I want you to PRACTICE your SEARCHING SKILLS and your DISCERNMENT so that you are able to RECOGNIZE PROPAGANDA and SMOOTH LIES. You will be called upon to HELP others LEARN to SEARCH and DISCERN—especially when THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE fill the airwaves. People will be LOST and CONFUSED and will need to learn how to think for themselves again. Teaching people to have a FOUNDATION in My Word will help them learn to separate DARKNESS FROM LIGHT.
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March 22, 2023 THE STORM CLOUDS ARE GATHERING “In the spiritual realm, THE STORM CLOUDS ARE GATHERING. The enemy and those who serve him have a DARK STORM they are preparing to UNLEASH against the world. They plan to cause GREAT DEVASTATION and DEATH. To those STORM CLOUDS, I say, ‘HA!’ Their STORM is being STOPPED by My strong RIGHT ARM, and it will be BLOWN APART by the WIND of My Spirit. There is still a STORM BREWING…OMINOUS, DARK, and FULL OF FURY…but this STORM will not TOUCH My people because it is MEANT FOR THE WICKED. The HIGH and MIGHTY will become the LOWLY and the FLATTENED, blown off their HIGH TOWERS of GREED and ARROGANCE by My STRONG STORM WINDS. My LIGHTNINGS will display their WICKEDNESS and My THUNDERINGS will proclaim My JUDGMENTS against them. This STORM will SHAKE the very FOUNDATIONS of EVIL in your Nation, and it will DESTROY them. Those who built their LIVES and FORTUNES on these evil foundations of GREED, CORRUPTION, and PERVERSION will FALL QUITE SUDDEN
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ACTION ITEMS for March 21, 2023, Video: IS LAZARUS DEAD YET? *The Father asks us if we will let Him to set us free from our bondage to a slave financial system. We are to learn to put our trust, hope, and faith in God to be our Provider and the One who sustains and prospers us. *Rejoice that His harvest of light is coming to overpower the dark harvest. *Pray that those captured by the religious spirit would be awakened to the power of His Spirit and His glory. *Choose to embrace His glory, and we will receive increasing revelation of His goodness and power. *Pray protection over nations where so many evil leaders are removed that their governments collapse, call in righteous governments. *Remain under His protection and in the stability of His sure promises. *Don’t get drawn into panic at what the enemy appears to be doing; we are to keep our faith in His promises of rescue and a new day and a new way to live in freedom and plenty. Don’t keep poking Lazarus to see if he’s dead yet—f
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March 21, 2023 (3/ 21/ 23) THE RIGHTEOUS ANGER OF A LIVING GOD “I AM a God of GREAT MERCY who desires to DRAW all people to My heart where I can COVER them with the BLOOD of My Son, and have them DWELL with Me now and throughout eternity. However, there comes a day when those who STUBBORNLY continue to PARTNER with DARKNESS will POKE THE BEAR in the nose ONE TOO MANY TIMES. That day is HERE for those who have continued to PUSH their DARK AGENDAS on you. Make no mistake, I AM that Bear who is ARISING to PROTECT and DEFEND My people against the ARROGANT darkness and their LYING MEDIA PROPHETS. My HUGE RIGHT ARM and PAW are going to HIT them FULL FORCE and WIPE THEM OUT. Their THRONES OF INIQUITY will be sent SPRAWLING, and they will be CUT OFF from their VAST RICHES and from any HELP from the darkness or from people. They will face the ANGER of this BEAR all ALONE, and they will experience the TERROR of EXPOSURE and the HELPLESSNESS, FEAR, and ISOLATION they sowed into the world. They
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March 20, 2023 PLANS FORMED LONG AGO ISAIAH 25:1 O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will praise and give thanks to Your name; for You have done miraculous things, plans formed long, long ago (fulfilled) with perfect faithfulness. “As you step into your UNKNOWN FUTURE—personally and as a Nation—let your heart REST in the fact that My PLANS for you and your Land were FORMED LONG AGO and that they will be FULFILLED with My PERFECT FAITHFULNESS. You have asked Me to come SAVE and RESCUE you, and I will RESPOND to your cries with DELIVERANCE and VICTORY far BEYOND your IMAGINATION OR EXPECTATIONS. Remember that the death of My Son on the cross had the appearance of the GREATEST DEFEAT in the history of man. Hell SCREAMED in FRANTIC, FROTHING DELIGHT while the followers of My Son experienced the SHATTERING of all their HOPES and EXPECTATIONS. The most important thing for you to remember is that this was not the END OF THE STORY. The GREATEST DEFEAT ever experienced was TURNED to t
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March 19, 2023 A HEART LIKE MINE “I have many PURPOSES in this war against the DARKNESS. I AM FREEING your world from the grip of TYRANNY and AWFUL DEATH AGENDAS. I AM POURING out My Spirit and My GLORY to bring many into the Kingdom and to release HEALING to the multitudes. I AM holding darkness and those who partnered with it ACCOUNTABLE for their STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING. I AM REWARDING, RESTORING, and RECOMPENSING those who have BELIEVED My promises and who have FOUGHT by My side to WIN this war. As important as all those things are, I have another GOAL that is of HIGHEST importance to Me and that is to DEVELOP in you A HEART LIKE MINE. If I have a people who CARRY My HEART, then FREEDOM will be maintained, WISE RULERS will be raised up from among you, and you will be an ACCURATE REFLECTION of My HEART to the world. My CHARACTER will be DISPLAYED in your life, and it will DRAW people to Me, and they will want to know Me. You will develop A HEART LIKE MINE by SPENDING
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March 18, 2023 IS LAZARUS DEAD YET? “My Army of Light has many QUESTIONS, as we head into the FINAL DAYS of battle to DEFEAT the darkness that wants to CONSUME you. You look at your Nation and wonder, ‘How DARK is it going to get?’ I’ve compared your Nation to LAZARUS rising from the GRAVE and so you wonder, ‘IS LAZARUS DEAD YET?’ You ask, ‘How much WORSE do things have to get before people WAKE UP to the DANGER they are in?’ I UNDERSTAND your questions because you’ve NEVER WALKED THIS WAY BEFORE. You find yourselves on a DARK and SLIPPERY PRECIPICE with only My WORD and PROMISES that the precipice will PROPEL you into a future of LIGHT, PEACE, LOVE, and PLENTY. Added to the UNKNOWN FUTURE, you are surrounded by OBLIVIOUS people who don’t recognize the DANGER or know about the DARK AGENDAS planned for them. This is why I AM allowing the darkness to have the APPEARANCE of increasing so that those still asleep will be SHAKEN AWAKE. It is against this DARK BACKDROP that the LIG
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March 17, 2023 MY GLORY: INCREASING REVELATION OR INCREASING BLINDNESS? “My GLORY is HERE and will continue to INCREASE across your Land. It is your CHOICE— your free will—that will DETERMINE how My GLORY AFFECTS YOU. If you are partnered with DARKNESS, My GLORY will cause you INCREASING BLINDNESS. You will be kept IN THE DARK about My PLANS and PURPOSES, and you won’t be able to ACCESS the GUIDANCE of the darkness. CONFUSION and PANIC will overtake your ARROGANT confidence and your COMPLEX DARK SCHEMES. If you continue to pursue darkness, My GLORY will eventually CRUSH you, and you will LOSE EVERYTHING. Sadly, there is another group who will not be blessed by My GLORY and that group are those in My Church who LISTEN to the VOICE of the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT. My GLORY is causing them INCREASING BLINDNESS because they REFUSE to acknowledge that I AM a SUPERNATURAL God. They BLINDLY continue to CRITICIZE how I AM moving in this season to REVITALIZE My Body. Their HARDNESS of heart will
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March 16, 2023 GIVE ME YOUR TIRED, YOUR POOR… *I was surprised to hear the Father quote part of the poem inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty. Questions have been raised about the statue being based on a false god. However, as I researched the author of the poem on the base of the statue, it seems God’s hand was placing seeds of deliverance for our Nation on the questionable statue. The poet’s name was Emma LAZARUS; her parents’ names were MOSES and ESTHER LAZARUS. Mind officially blown! *The Father speaks: “Seeds of DESTRUCTION and seeds of LIFE were sown into the foundation of your Nation. It is now HARVEST time for those seeds have reached the MATURE crop stage. Those whose eyes I have OPENED can see the DARK HARVEST of EVIL and TYRANNY and the HARVEST of LIGHT and GLORY that My hand has inspired. My Army of Light has chosen to partner with Me in MOWING DOWN and TRAMPLING the DARK harvest that evil men have planned for centuries, and My Army is joining Me in CALLING FORTH
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ACTION ITEMS: Video March 15, 2023 THE GREAT DISMANTLING ACTION ITEMS: *When the enemy growls intimidating threats trying to scare us away from exercising our authority, we are to do what the Father does and that is laugh at the enemy. *We are to raise our battle cry , march forth to take back our inheritance, and believe that we are royalty. *We are to use our waiting time not for vain speculations or uneasy doubts, but gather our thoughts, focus on the Father, and confidently call forth all His promises for our Land. *We are to call forth God’s hammer of exposure of all evil and corruption, send a tsunami of judgment and justice across our Land, release His river of righteousness to flow a ll across our Land and out into the world. *Begin every day by asking for our heart to be joined to His heart; then we will say what He says and do what He would do. *We are to believe that before the dawn breaks, it will all be changed . *Be ready to bind up the wounds of de
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March 15, 2023 THE WINGS OF AN EAGLE “I want to TEACH you how to SOAR ABOVE CIRCUMSTANCES on THE WINGS OF AN EAGLE. My Army of Light, you have AWAKENED to much of the CORRUPTION and DECEPTION in your world, but you don’t FULLY realize how EARTHBOUND and RESTRICTED your VISION and your FREEDOM have been. Will you allow Me to BREAK you free from all the CHAINS and TIE DOWNS that have held you CAPTIVE to world systems—especially FINANCIALLY. The enemy has SOWED FEAR OF LOSS into your culture so that there is great STRIVING and ANXIETY over having enough. Those partnered with darkness MANIPULATE the financial system so you have to WORK HARDER and, meanwhile, they are STEALING from you behind the scenes. It’s time to BREAK My people out of the BONDAGE that these modern day Egyptians built. Will you allow Me to set you FREE from this BONDAGE to a SLAVE FINANCIAL SYSTEM? If I can PRY your fingers off what you consider financial SECURITY and move your EYES and TRUST onto your Great God (the
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March 14, 2023 THE GREAT DISMANTLING “The GREAT DISMANTLING has begun. DO NOT FEAR this season because it will RESULT in GREAT BLESSING and FAVOR for My people. This is the time to TURN your EYES and your HEART COMPLETELY to Me so that you do not WAVER in FAITH as systems you thought were RELIABLE and FOR your BENEFIT are shown to be FRAUDULENT and designed to ENRICH a SELFISH FEW. Do not be DISMAYED if your funds SEEM to DISAPPEAR, as man’s systems FAIL. Have you seen the STOREHOUSES of RICHES that I have in Heaven? I can EASILY double, triple, up to sevenfold REPLACE any losses you may seem to have had. So much in your world is an ILLUSION, and I AM ushering in an HONEST and TRUE system of finance that BLESSES you instead of ENSLAVING you. Be still and know that I AM God. Be JOYFUL that you will know Me as your TRUE PROVIDER who will NEVER FAIL you. Any seeming LOSSES will be SHORT-LIVED, and My people will enter days of FINANCIAL FREEDOM like you’ve never seen. DECLARE t