ACTION ITEMS: Video from November 30, 2022 "A TIME OF GREAT DREAD FOR THE DARKNESS" *Don’t see yourself as stuck in sin but see yourself as one set free from bondage and walking into your original design *Give thanks and carry on! *Continue to decree confusion, indecision, and suspicion into the enemy camp, pull down their plans, declare exposure *Arise and shine, be the light of the world, the salt of the earth, occupy until He returns, believe that He always leads us in triumph *Help those startled-awake during the short time of darkness to process the exposures and to show them God’s plans *We have been given a Divinely powerful hammer to beat down every whack-a-mole scheme the enemy tries to launch *Remember that we have the authority to pull down the enemy’s façade and to take possession of the land *We are to block and scatter all the enemy’s plans and schemes, send His fire to burn up diseases planted by the enemy, scatter plans to control people and
Showing posts from November, 2022
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November 30, 2022 TURN THE PAGE “Tomorrow begins a new month for you. A month that you have chosen to CELEBRATE the LIGHT OF THE WORLD coming to the earth. His coming CHANGED the course of history, and it CHANGED your life. When you SURRENDERED your life to Jesus and accepted His SACRIFICE for your sins, you TURNED THE PAGE and began a NEW LIFE. Such a SEASON is now upon your Nation. It is time for your Land to TURN THE PAGE and to be brought BACK TO LIFE, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Keep in mind that when Jesus came to earth, there was a DEATH before the RESURRECTION could happen. The MESS your Nation is in due to EVIL LEADERS and BLINDED eyes and STOPPED-UP ears of the people, seems BEYOND REPAIR. But God! I have promised a MIRACULOUS RESURRECTION for your Nation, and so it shall be brought BACK TO LIFE, FREEDOM, and ABUNDANCE. Your enemies will lay on the ground, TRAMPLED by your feet of VICTORY. Tomorrow I want you to TURN THE PAGE and begin declaring, ‘This is a season of NEW LI
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November 29, 2022 THE PERFECT TIME “Can you trust that I know THE PERFECT TIME to bring JUDGMENT or BLESSING? Can you put in My hands the TIMING of the FULFILLMENT of all My promises both for the DESTRUCTION of your enemies and for the ABUNDANT FUTURE that I have for you? I have the power to KEEP YOU SAFE, and to PROSPER you NO MATTER WHAT is going on around you. I have been CAREFULLY PREPARING your HEARTS to be STRONG WARRIORS who are UNAFRAID of the darkness and who have LEARNED to PARTNER with Me in DEFEATING the enemy. Your SURRENDER to My TRAINING, My CLEANSING, and your GROWTH in FAITH have also served to prepare your heart for My season of BLESSING and PROSPERITY. You have learned to LOVE and VALUE others and to be GENEROUS GIVERS and that will PROTECT you from being STUMBLED by the abundance that I bring into your life and your Nation. The last six years have been an INTENSIVE TRAINING ground—the only way through it was to THROW THE ENTIRE WEIGHT OF YOUR LIFE ONTO ME. I want
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BIBLICAL MEANING OF NUMBERS—Some sources: E. W. Bullinger’s book “Numbers in Scripture”, John Paul Jackson’s course “Biblical Dream Interpretation”, Pastor Troy Brewer has a number of videos and a book on “Numbers that Preach.” Most numbers in the Bible have both a positive meaning & a negative meaning—Holy Spirit will help you discern which He’s trying to tell you. 2:22 Number of second person of the Godhead—Word, witness, multiply, divide, friendship. Relevant Scripture reference: Isaiah 22:22 3:33 Number of Godhead—Triune God, Divine perfection, solid, real, perfect witness, all that there is. Relevant Scripture: Jeremiah 33:3 4:44 Number of reign, humility, God’s creation, world & city number, universal, material completeness, Holy Spirit, 4 corners of the earth, 4 seasons, 4 winds, angelic activity, realm of Holy Spirit, tides 5:55 Number of grace/redemption/anointing, Divine strength added to & made perfect in our weakness, Divine favor, 5 stones of David—Judgment &
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November 28, 2022 BLUE SKIES AND CLEAR SAILING “Keep as a WELL-GUARDED TREASURE in your heart My promise of a GOOD future for you and for your WAR-TORN Nation. I have invited you to see ahead to a future of BLUE SKIES AND CLEAR SAILING. I’m not promising you a perfect life—you are still living in a sin-affected world—, but I AM promising you a future where the DEATH-GRIP of the evil empire has been BROKEN, their schemes brought to the LIGHT, and their power structure DEMOLISHED. The CHOICE will still be yours to EMBRACE the future of BLUE SKIES AND CLEAR SAILING or to go your own STUBBORN way that will cause you to live in LACK, even in the midst of the ABUNDANCE I AM restoring to you. These next few weeks will present you with some CHALLENGES to this bright future that I have forecast for you. As DARK SCHEMES and DESPERATE ATTEMPTS are made by the darkness to bring death and destruction, keep this promise of a future of BLUE SKIES AND CLEAR SAILING firmly FIXED in your mind and hear
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November 27, 2022 A GIANT GAME OF WHACK-A-MOLE “The enemy’s camp knows that this is ‘MAKE IT OR BREAK IT TIME.’ Either they establish their CONTROL NOW, or their plans will be PUSHED BACK a hundred years or more. Therefore, I want you to know that they have lined up a SERIES of VERY EVIL SCHEMES to bring about DEATH, DESTRUCTION, and GREAT FEAR, with the ultimate goal of their DOMINATION of the world. As these schemes begin to POP UP, you may feel like you are playing A GIANT GAME OF WHACK-A-MOLE. Do not let this DISCOURAGE or DISMAY you, because this INTENSE SEASON won’t last much longer, and I have given you a DIVINELY POWERFUL HAMMER to beat down every scheme that raises its head. Do not allow the enemy to make you feel OVERWHELMED or INTIMIDATED by the multitude of evil plans. Instead, TURN your face to Mine and feel My STRENGTH filling you up with POWER and LIGHT. Every time you WHACK-A-MOLE with your powerful hammer, sparks of LIGHT fly off and release LIGHT into the darkness.
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November 26, 2022 A SHORT TIME OF DARKNESS “There has been a lot of speculation about a COMING TIME OF DARKNESS. I AM calling it A TIME OF DARKNESS because it will be a time of INTENSE EXPOSURE of those partnered with darkness and all of their evil DEEDS and PLANS. Looking directly at the UNCOVERING of such GROSS EVIL will cause A SHORT TIME OF DARKNESS, as people PROCESS with fear and trembling at how DECEIVED they were and at how CLOSE they came to LOSING their Nation and their FREEDOM. It will be a short time of CANCELING out the voices that are SPREADING LIES and DISINFORMATION so that people only hear the TRUTH that I AM revealing. There is no need to fear this SHORT TIME OF DARKNESS because I AM using it to AWAKEN the sleepers and to bring the TRUTH about who is serving DARKNESS and who is serving LIGHT. You’ll be SAFE, you’ll be KEPT in Me; and your job will be to HELP the startled-awake to PROCESS the EXPOSED DARKNESS and to SHOW them My PLANS for JUDGMENT, JUSTICE, and a PRO
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November 25, 2022 A TIME OF GREAT DREAD “The ARROGANT ones who tried to DESTROY your Nation and to CONTROL the world will soon be facing A TIME OF GREAT DREAD. (Dread=to be in terror, fear intensely, anticipate with alarm.) These who thought they were UNTOUCHABLE will be FULLY EXPOSED for the world to see. Their CORRUPTION, PERVERSION, and EVIL PLANS will be PARADED before the world. Their WEALTH, their PROTECTION, and their POSITIONS will all be WIPED AWAY. Those who lorded it over you, will find themselves at the BOTTOM of the heap, and JUDGMENT and JUSTICE will make the DECISIONS for their lives. This will, indeed, be A TIME OF GREAT DREAD for the darkness. However, this is NOT a time of dread for My people, those called by My name. This is a season of HARVEST and RECOMPENSE for all that has been STOLEN from you. Some in My Body have been taught to HYPER-FOCUS on what they have been taught will happen at the end of time. This causes them to VIEW LIFE from this LENS of LACK and TER
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November 24, 2022 GIVE THANKS AND CARRY ON “A GRATEFUL HEART speaks forth LIFE and LIGHT. If you open your spiritual eyes, you will see that words of THANKSGIVING spoken into the atmosphere CREATE LIGHT that INVADES and OVERPOWERS the darkness. Words of ANXIETY, WORRY, FEAR OF THE FUTURE breathe forth DARKNESS because, at the root, they are words of UNBELIEF that AGREE that the enemy is more powerful than your God. I want you to realize that the enemy’s POWER is a SQUEAK compared to the LION OF JUDAH’S ROAR! Warfare prayers and declarations are POWERFUL WEAPONS but so are WORDS OF THANKSGIVING because they are words that say you TRUST Me in your past, your present, and your future. THANKFUL words are SEEDS OF LIGHT that will bring forth a HARVEST of GREAT FULFILLMENT and VICTORY. A heart that is THANKFUL has no room for JEALOUSY, BITTERNESS, ENVY, or STRIFE. It sets you on the PATH to FULFILLMENT and PEACE and that is why I tell you to GIVE THANKS AND CARRY ON!” PSALM 52:9 “Because i
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ACTION ITEMS Orders from Headquarters From the video "JOLTED AWAKE!" November 23, 2022 Orders from headquarters: * His COUNSEL to us is not to get THROWN OFF our ASSIGNMENT by outward circumstances. Set our heart to TRUSTING HIS CHARACTER AND HIS FAITHFULNESS and pray from this position of STRENGTH.” * Partner with Him, and we will mount A WORLDWIDE WAR AGAINST LEVIATHAN. We are to get AGGRESSIVE in our WARFARE against this MIND-NUMBING SPIRIT. COMMAND that every LIE Leviathan speaks will be TURNED BACK into their camp. Send forth BATTERING RAM Angels to BREAK OPEN the fortresses of this BOASTING, ARROGANT voice. SEND the Host to SHINE His LIGHT OF EXPOSURE on all the LIES, BRIBERY, and CORRUPTION. SEND forth those who carry His Spirit of Truth to REPLACE the lies with what is TRUE. SEND forth UNCOVERING and DELIVERING Angels to REMOVE BLINDERS from peoples’ eyes and to OPEN THEIR EARS to hear His truth. *He is calling us to REST in His SUPERIOR BATTLE STRATEGY and to
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November 23, 2022 YOU ARE NOT TRASH, YOU ARE MY TREASURE “You may have been taught that you are a LOWLY WORM, undeserving of My love and that all I see when I look at you is your SIN. I want you to realize that you are the CROWN OF MY CREATION and because you are made in Our IMAGE, you are a VALUABLE TREASURE, created to REFLECT OUR LIGHT and OUR GLORY. It is true that the REBELLION of sin can DULL your light and BLOCK the release of GLORY from your life but that is why My Son came to DEFEAT SIN and to give you the POWER to OVERCOME sin so that your ORIGINAL DESIGN can SHINE FORTH from a cleansed heart, mind, and life. I never FOCUS on the SIN in your life. I focus on CALLING FORTH and UNCOVERING your ORIGINAL CREATION of LIFE and LIGHT. Know that I see you as TREASURE and not TRASH that I’m trying to make look good. Instead of focusing on sin and shortcomings in your life, I want you to focus on the PURPOSES that I created for you to FULFILL. Jesus did His part in BREAKING the POWER
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November 22, 2022 JOLTED AWAKE! “Many people in your Nation are still under the SPELL of Leviathan and PREY to the INTIMIDATING FALSE COMFORTER who whispers, ‘Just leave everything alone, and it may not be great, but you will be safe. They’ll leave you alone if you don’t make waves.’ These sleepers are going to be JOLTED AWAKE when I SUDDENLY come, under cover of darkness, and TURN ON THE LIGHT OF MY GLORY. Not only will My bright light of EXPOSURE JERK THEM OUT OF SLEEP, but the SOUND of the loud crash of the EMPIRE OF DARKNESS BEING TOPPLED by My strong right arm will JOLT them AWAKE. The LIGHT and the SOUND will STRIP AWAY the blinders and the ‘SAFE’ ILLUSIONS that had kept them ASLEEP. I want My Army of Light to be READY for My SUDDEN unveiling of My RESCUE OPERATION so that you can SHINE My HOPE, My PEACE, and PROCLAIM My promises to those who have been JOLTED AWAKE. I want to keep the enemy GUESSING about My RESCUE OPERATION, so I can’t give you a day or a time. However, I will g
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November 21, 2022 REDEMPTIVE AND RESTORING “I AM a REDEMPTIVE AND RESTORING Father. If you keep in your HEART and MIND that this is who I AM, then no matter what circumstances happen in your life, you can know that LOSS, SHOCKING EVENTS, DEEP SHAKINGS are not the END OF THE STORY. I will be there for those who call on My name to REDEEM and RESTORE any negative thing in your life and in the life of your Nation. Because you know that I AM a REDEMPTIVE and RESTORING Father, DOOM and GLOOM and words painting a DARK FUTURE are NOT the WHOLE STORY. Yes, there are going to be SHOCKING EVENTS and DEEP SHAKINGS, but they are for those PARTNERED WITH DARKNESS. They are the ones facing DOOM and GLOOM and a DARK FUTURE. As some of the evil systems come down , it may cause you TEMPORARY LOSS, but My PROMISE to you is that I will QUICKLY REDEEM and RESTORE your loss and usher you into a BETTER and a HOPE-FILLED future of ABUNDANCE and PEACE. Pick up the BANNER of My REDEMPTIVE and RESTORING heart
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November 20, 2022 OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW “You are approaching the end of your calendar year, and it is a good time to GET RID of what is no longer useful and to WELCOME NEW BEGINNINGS into your life. This is what I AM doing in your Nation, as the year winds down to the end. This is the season of OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW. The old is represented by those who partnered with EVIL and ARROGANTLY thought they could CONTROL and DESTROY you. It is time that they be COMPLETELY CLEARED OUT of your Land in order to MAKE WAY FOR THE NEW. The new is My plan of LIFE and FREEDOM for your Nation. It will be a life you’ve only DREAMED about but never completely TASTED. ‘O, taste and see that the Lord is good!’ Those who have BELIEVED My promises and who have continued to WORSHIP Me in the FACE OF THREATENING DARKNESS, will see such a FLOOD of My GOODNESS that they will hardly be able to contain it. The darkness will receive a FLOOD of My EXPOSURE and JUDGMENT, and they will be
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November 19, 2022 I AM GIVING YOU THE GIANT’S TERRITORY “The very areas of society that have been OVERTAKEN by GIANTS are the territories that are your INHERITANCE. The GIANTS of DESPAIR, INTIMIDATION, and PERVERSION have taken over the BEST of your Land. They have PLUNDERED the Land and the people and have LAID WASTE what should be a FRUITFUL and BEAUTIFUL TERRITORY. I want you to have the spirit of CALEB who FEARLESSLY asked for this PRIZE LAND and who REFUSED to be intimidated by the GIANTS (Joshua 14). (Caleb=wholehearted, faithful, brave, bold.) For those of you with the spirit of Caleb that REFUSE to BACK DOWN before the GIANTS and who DECLARE, ‘I will have my TERRITORY PROMISED to me!’—you will RECEIVE what you have BELIEVED for and FOUGHT for. Caleb knew the SECRET of PARTNERING with My STRENGTH to take out the GIANTS, and he had FAITH to BELIEVE that I KEEP My promises. I want to REWARD you with your PROMISED TERRITORY—that good land that you have always desired. ASK Me, and
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November 18, 2022 CONFUSED ABOUT TIMING? “I have given different PIECES of REVELATION concerning the coming days to many different prophetic voices. Your mind is trying to MAKE SENSE of all the events that have been FORECAST, and you try to put them IN ORDER so that you can FIGURE OUT when I will be RESTORING your rightful leader to his place at the head of your government, as well as when all the other parts of My RESCUE OPERATION will take place. The more you try to FIGURE OUT the SEQUENCE of events, the more CONFUSED you feel. Let Me speak PEACE to your efforts to figure out TIMING. If you could figure out when I AM going to COMPLETE this RESCUE OPERATION, then the enemy could also be able to figure it out and then he would cause even more CHAOS and DESTRUCTION targeted for a particular time. If you are KEPT GUESSING, then he is kept guessing, and he has EXPENDED a lot of his AMMUNITION thinking he’s figured it out. You may not like living in UNCERTAINTY about My TIMING, but it is
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JOURNAL NUGGET: JOURNAL NUGGETS: LET’S ROLL!!! September 8, 2021 I find myself again in the War Room of Heaven, standing behind one of the 24 elders with my hands on his shoulders. I’m aware of highly technical screens positioned around the room showing sections of the world, enemy placements, and angelic forces. There is a quiet murmur of conversation until the Father stands up and the room falls silent. He begins to speak: “It is time to launch the final phase of our rescue operation.” As the Father speaks this, there is a quiet undercurrent of excitement in the room and all the elders nod in silent and solemn agreement. The Father turns to me and says, “Let My people know that the enemy will work overtime right now to discourage and disarm My Army so that they let down their guard to discouragement or depression or get distracted by rapidly moving circumstances. Tell them to keep close to Me, and I will reveal what I am doing through the shakings that occur. I will freely give WISD
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November 17, 2022 AN ALL-OUT WAR AGAINST LEVIATHAN “The MAJOR REASON so many people are still ASLEEP to the DEEP DARKNESS that THREATENS this Nation’s survival is the LYING VOICE of the LEVIATHAN MEDIA. This stronghold TWISTS THE TRUTH, declares that GOOD IS EVIL and that EVIL IS GOOD. This stronghold has taken DEEP ROOT in your Land because so many people (including many churches) no longer VALUE the WORD OF GOD, nor do they SEEK Me, the SOURCE OF TRUTH. This has left them OPEN to this DECEIVING, MESMERIZING stronghold of darkness that has CAST A SHADOW over your Nation that has BLOCKED people from SEEING and HEARING the TRUTH. Will you join Me in a LIGHT-FILLED, POWERFUL OFFENSIVE PUSH that will WEAKEN and BRING DOWN this BLINDNESS that keeps so many in BONDAGE? Partner with Me, and we will mount A WORLDWIDE WAR AGAINST LEVIATHAN. I want you to get AGGRESSIVE in your WARFARE against this MIND-NUMBING SPIRIT. COMMAND that every LIE Leviathan speaks will be TURNED BACK into their ca
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ACTION ITEMS From video November 16, 2022 "MASSIVE EXPLOSIONS OF POWER" * Ask Holy Spirit to take the DISTRESS and ANGER out of your SOUL and to turn it into INTERCESSION released from your SPIRIT. * Don’t put down your SWORD and don’t fix your eyes on man’s ways to save you from your deadly enemies. * Come to Him—He really is your REST and your SAFE PLACE. * Ask and He will gladly reveal Himself to you as THE GOD OF MORE. * Join Him today in CALLING DOWN all those evil, illegal leaders. Declare, ‘TODAY YOU ARE DEPOSED BY THE MIGHTY HAND OF OUR GOD! * Don’t get wrapped up in focusing on all the dire predictions because that will stir up fear and anxiety. Instead, focus on His promises to you to PROTECT and to PROSPER you. * DJT cannot carry this ENORMOUS CALL alone. You must COMMIT to join him in RE-ESTABLISHING and PRESERVING FREEDOM in His covenant Nation. Let this cry be on your lips, “GOD BLESS AMERICA and GOD KEEP HER STRONG. * We are to set our hearts a