
Showing posts from March, 2025


  March 8, 2025– I AM A VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS “My heart has heard the many SILENT CRIES of those who have not received JUSTICE in your nation. These VOICELESS ones GROAN for someone to PLEAD THEIR CASE and to bring them JUSTICE. Some are so young that they don’t even have WORDS to express what has been done to them. Some older ones tried to SPEAK, but they were HUSHED and SILENCED by SHAME, FEAR, and ACCUSATION. Some have tried to forget what was done to them, but the VIOLATION comes back to them in dreams, and their souls are BRUISED again. These VOICELESS ones carry PAIN in their eyes and SILENT SORROW in their hearts. Must they carry this INNER TORMENT for the rest of their lives? Will no one SPEAK UP for them and bring them the JUSTICE that they long for? Where is My Church who should be the SUPPORT and PILLAR of TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUSTICE? Oh, they are too busy PROPPING UP their CORRUPTED LEADERS who have become IDOLS to them and trying to PRESERVE big buildings and I...


  March 7, 2025 POWER DAY The Biblical meaning of the numbers in today’s date are significant. 3=3-in-One; 7=Spiritual perfection; 25=multiplied grace “I AM declaring that today is a POWER DAY. Heaven’s POWER is CONVERGING on your nation’s capital like a DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON. FACADES WILL MELT, OBSTRUCTIONS WILL BURN UP, HIDDEN FILTH AND CORRUPTION WILL BE LAID BARE. While GRACE is being MULTIPLIED to My Remnant, JUDGMENT is ESCALATING against those partnered with darkness. This is the DAY OF MY POWER, MY RULE, MY WAYS hitting the earth. It will EMBOLDEN and EMPOWER My Army of Light. It will cause PANIC and DESPAIR in the evil empire, as My BULLDOZER is released to MOW DOWN illegitimate thrones of dark power and to UNCOVER depths of corruption that will put the world in a state of shock. My Army of Light receive the POWER of My MULTIPLIED GRACE to you so that you can be the PEACE and the STABILITY of My DAY OF POWER.” ROMANS 11:22 (TPT) “So fix your gaze on the simultaneous kindn...
  March 6, 2025 SINISTER FORCES “I want My Army of Light to partner with Me in declaring AN END to WIDESPREAD SICKNESS over your nation. Come OUT OF AGREEMENT with the mindset that part of normal life is repetitive sickness that CYCLES around every year. Viruses, flus, and respiratory illnesses were NEVER meant to be a part of ABUNDANT LIFE. SINISTER FORCES have developed these sicknesses and have been ARTIFICIALLY releasing them into the population in order to WEAKEN you, to DISCOURAGE you, and to take you OUT OF ACTION. Don’t receive what these SINISTER FORCES are dishing out COVERTLY and with MALICE towards you. Declare that these SINISTER FORCES will be EXPOSED. Decree that what they try to send out into the population will BLOW BACK UPON THEM. CUT OFF FUNDING for DEVELOPING and for SPREADING these sicknesses. Do a prophetic act and BLOW with the BREATH of My Spirit that is in you, and DRIVE the sickness OUT of the atmosphere and BACK INTO the enemy’s camp. I say that they will...
  March 5, 2025 INFIGHTING, ACCUSATIONS, AND DRAMA “Army of Light, will you join Heaven in AMPLIFYING the DESPERATION in the camp of the evil empire? Desperation, fear, and panic are bedfellows of INFIGHTING, ACCUSATIONS, AND DRAMA.  The schemes of DIVISION the darkness wanted to SOW into those partnered with the Light, is now BOOMERANGING back upon them and they are REAPING what they attempted to sow among you.  Can you imagine their meetings lately? RIDICULOUS ideas are tried, and they keep FAILING BIG TIME. In fact, they sometimes resemble a group of JUNIOR HIGH pre-teens who SPEAK and ACT before they think things through. The darkness has SHUT itself off from My Spirit’s WISDOM and COUNSEL, and they are no longer receiving STRATEGY from the dark powers because your prayers have BROKEN the lines of communication between them. Those partnered with darkness are left to their OWN DEVICES, and it’s NOT a pretty picture. Ask Me to TURN UP the VOLUME of DESPERATION and PANIC...
  March 4, 2025 ACTION ITEMS: Video RIDE OUT THE STORM WITH ME—March 4, 2025 *We are to join the Father in a March for Life against the death agendas of the evil empire. We are to trample over death and declare His life into every area of society.  *Declare: ‘I rebuke death and death agendas, and I command you to give way to the March for Life. Death agendas, we bury you under our marching feet, and we call forth life, light, and glory into the atmosphere.  *We command life, light, and glory to fall as seed to be sown into the soil of our nation. We plant these Heavenly seeds with our March for Life. Darkness and death, you have lost your reign over our land, and we declare a new day of life, life, life! *Continue to declare to the dark lies and fear-mongering, “No more voice!” Let His joy fill your heart, His hope shine forth from your eyes, and join Him in a March for Life. *Important to remember: we are to ride out the storm with Him. *The Father reveals the enemy plan...
JOURNAL ENTRIES: Video RIDE OUT THE STORM WITH ME - March 4, 2025   RIDE OUT THE STORM WITH ME 1.     February 25, 2025 ROCK AND ROLL “The evil empire is moving as FAST as they can to LAUNCH their DEADLY and DESTRUCTIVE schemes in order to STOP the EXPOSURES of their GREED, CORRUPTION, and PERVERSION. They are about to come up against a ROCK and that ROCK would be Me. I will only ALLOW their plans to ROLL OUT far enough to AWAKEN the SLEEPERS who are still under the SPELL of Leviathan. The MULTITUDE of EXPOSURES POURING OUT are causing the lower level of those partnered with darkness to ROLL OVER on those above them in order to try and SAVE themselves. This will further ROCK those in the upper echelons of DARK POWER. Oh, I have seen to it that this ROCK AND ROLL season is NOT a PARTY for the evil empire. Heartburn is at an all-time HIGH as their STRESS LEVELS continue to SKYROCKET. Meanwhile, My Army of Light, you have a ROCK to stand upon that cannot be SHAKEN...


  March 4, 2025 THE GREAT POWER STRUGGLE  “The darkness has gotten used to having its way in your nation. Even a few years ago there were VERY FEW VOICES in the Church who were BRAVE enough to SPEAK OUT about the DARK AGENDAS that were STEALING FREEDOM and INTRODUCING PERVERSION into your society. These voices were MOCKED, RIDICULED, and the Church was EMBARRASSED by these voices that valiantly continued to SPEAK and WARN of the CRUSHING DARKNESS that was rolling in. As the Church looked INWARD, HID OUT in their buildings, was ENTERTAINED rather than CHALLENGED TO GROW, THE GREAT POWER STRUGGLE played out on the world stage. Much of the Church had been told I was coming to SNATCH them out of all the evil, so they ALLOWED and ENABLED the darkness to PUSH FORWARD their DEATH AGENDAS. However, you, My Army of Light, have been the MAJOR FACTOR in the SHIFT from dark to Light in THE GREAT POWER STRUGGLE. Your BRAVE WARFARE, FAITHFUL PRAYERS, FELLOWSHIP WITH AND SUPPORT OF EACH OTHE...
  March 3, 2025 THE BLESSING I was suddenly in the Garden of Life and Enoch was speaking to me. He understood and spoke to questions I was having about the future of our nation and the world. He told me that the glorious future that I have seen may take years to reach its fullness, but my union with the Father is my true source of joy. As the good future unfolds, it will be icing on the cake. He reminded me that the day he lived in on the earth was very wicked (right before the flood), but he still found great joy and satisfaction from his union with the Father. Enoch then raised his right hand and placed it near my heart. He said these precious words, “I bless you to go deeper into the Father’s heart than I did. I bless you to find complete joy and satisfaction in walking with Him. My heart was warm and full, and I know I’m supposed to release this blessing to all of you. The Father speaks: “I saw in Enoch a heart that DESIRED a DEEP and INTIMATE relationship with Me. I see that s...
  March 2, 2025 AN OUTBREAK OF GOODNESS “The FLAILING, DESPERATE evil empire has all kinds of dark plans to try and take back the CONTROL of the world. They have OUTBREAKS of sickness, financial collapse, wars, and tragedies planned for the world. You have been RAISED UP, EMPOWERED, and STRENGTHENED for such a time as this My Army of Light. You have faith-filled PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS to come AGAINST, DIMINISH, and DEMOLISH all these evil schemes. I have a BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL COUNTERMOVE that I AM releasing and that is AN OUTBREAK OF MY GOODNESS. While those partnered with darkness WAIL, COMPLAIN, and FEEL SORRY for themselves, you will experience My GRACE, My BLESSING, and My FAVOR.  GRACE will EMPOWER you to do what I’ve called you to do in fulfilling your life’s purpose. My BLESSING will come at you from every direction—FINANCIALLY, PHYSICALLY, and SPIRITUALLY you will MULTIPLY. Multiplied PROVISION, multiplied PHYSICAL HEALING, and multiplied SPIRITUAL REVEL...
  March 1, 2025 SPRING CLEANING FOR YOUR NATION “It’s the perfect time of year to do some DEEP CLEANING in your nation. Declare with Me, ‘Let the closets of the corrupt be FLUNG OPEN before the world, and let everything of the darkness be brought into the LIGHT of EXPOSURE.’ I will OBSTRUCT those who are trying to keep the closets SEALED and who are trying to BLOCK the deep cleaning that is on My agenda. The darkness thinks they are just OPPOSING President Trump’s EFFORTS to DEEP CLEAN your nation, but I AM the One who gave this SPRING CLEANING assignment to him. That means the evil empire has PICKED A FIGHT with Me as well as with your President, and I AM an UNBEATABLE OPPONENT. Their efforts to OBSTRUCT and OBSCURE will BLOW UP in their faces. Declare with Me, ‘We call in COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY into every hidden and dirty corner of our land. We release UNCOVERING Angels to OPEN every DIRTY CLOSET and every HIDDEN VAULT of corruption. WINDS OF CHANGE Hosts, we call for you to BLOW ...