
May 17, 2024 THE REIGN OF TERROR IS COMING DOWN “Did you know that the darkness FEEDS OFF of causing you FEAR, ANXIETY, and TERROR? It feeds their ARROGANT and PRIDE-FILLED hearts, and they use it to MANIPULATE and CONTROL you. If your FOCUS is CONTINUALLY on the ENEMY’S EVIL PLANS and you want everyone to be as UPSET as you are, then you are MAGNIFYING the darkness and spreading MISERY instead of HOPE. You cannot win a SPIRITUAL BATTLE with FLESHLY RESPONSES. All you need is ONE bad report so that you know what to take AUTHORITY over. If you keep VISITING what the darkness is trying to PUSH THROUGH, it will only make the THREAT GROW in your own mind, and your FAITH will SHRIVEL. Have I not given you ALL AUTHORITY in My Son? Have I not promised to WIPE OUT all DANGEROUS and FOOLISH LAWS and AGENCIES in response to your DECLARATIONS and DECREES? Do I RESPOND to BOLD FAITH? YES! Do I act on WIMPY WHINING and FEAR PORN? NO! Without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Me. Your FAITH is the RO
May 16, 2024 CLOSER THAN YOU THINK “Reach out and TOUCH the DAWNING of the New Era—it is CLOSER THAN YOU THINK. The curtain is slowly FALLING on those partnered with darkness who have ILLEGALLY taken the stage and used it to platform their LIES, their DRAMA, and their FEAR. They still think they are the ONLY SHOW in town, but the curtain will soon COMPLETELY FALL, the stage LIGHTS will go OUT, and the CAPTIVE AUDIENCE will be SET FREE. It is true that they are going to PUSH OUT on the stage every TRICK, DECEPTION, and DARK SCHEME they can think of, but you have partnered with Me to REMOVE the DARK POWER from these scenes and to TURN their TRICKS BACK ONTO THEM. The whole world will see them UNMASKED and EXPOSED for who they are: TRAITORS, BETRAYERS, THIEVES, and MURDERERS. As they are led off in HANDCUFFS, the curtain will FALL on the EVIL EMPIRE. The New Kingdom Era will come RUSHING in on a TIDE of VICTORY and THANKFULNESS. I want you to begin to EXPERIENCE the New Era right now. Rea
  May 15, 2024 DON’T EVER STOP ASKING QUESTIONS  “Even as you leave the battle and enter into the Kingdom Age of peace and plenty, DON’T EVER STOP ASKING QUESTIONS. There is SO MUCH for you to LEARN about Me, about Heavenly places, about your created world. There are so many MYSTERIES to be UNCOVERED and DISCOVERED that will ENRICH your lives and bring you AWE, WONDER, and JOY. You have the CAPACITY  to know so MUCH MORE than you know now. The darkness has put a LID on many WONDERFUL DISCOVERIES that would enhance your life. They have KEPT these discoveries for themselves and DENIED them to you because they would have the effect of PROLONGING your lives and INCREASING your health. The darkness wants you SICK, OVERWEIGHT, and EASY TO CONTROL. You can take AUTHORITY over their SUPPRESSION of TRUTH. CALL FORTH TRUTH and HIDDEN DISCOVERIES and CURES. DECLARE, ‘EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE,’ to HIDDEN MYSTERIES and DISCOVERIES. DECREE that these HIDDEN MYSTERIES and CURES would BLESS the Children
ACTION ITEMS: Video A SPECTACULAR RESCUE, May 14, 2024 ACTION ITEMS: *Keep your eye on the prize of a deep, face-to-face intimacy with the Father. *We are to welcome home those who finally awaken to the lies they have been told for years. We will all become keepers of truth, freedom, and love. *We are to bring our heartaches and disappointments in those who have fooled and betrayed us to the Father, and He will heal your heart. Take them off our little hooks of judgment and place them on His completely fair and just judgment and justice. Ask for these experiences to be forever learning experiences for us, and for sharper and deeper discernment. *Welcome the Holy Spirit’s search light in your heart, be quick to repent, ask for cleansing. Don’t get stuck in the hurt and betrayal of exposure because it will lead to bitterness and that will sideline you as a warrior. *We are to declare that solar storms or manmade storms would target the darkness and would affect their secret com
  May 14, 2024 A TASTE OF THE AGE TO COME I found myself again in the Garden of Eden among the trees. A short distance away, I saw Enoch working in a vegetable garden. I watched in awe as he sowed seeds, and as he moved down the rows, the seed would sprout, grow, and have fruit or a vegetable ready to eat. I greeted Enoch and then tasted a green bean and a strawberry (yummy!). He graciously paused in his gardening to speak to me. He said the New Day coming to the earth would be like this garden in Eden—immediate growth and fruitfulness. There would be plenty of food for the world. He assured me that we were moving into an era of peace and plenty and that we should keep on believing and moving through the crucible into this New Age. As I looked into Enoch’s fiery blue eyes, he told me I was shining for the Father and to keep surrendering to Him. I told Enoch it was an honor for me to meet him and to be able to talk with him and receive the wisdom he has learned. The Father then spoke th
  May 13, 2024 THREE KEYS TO GOING THROUGH THE BATTLE, THE STORM, THE SHAKINGS This morning I saw myself in Heavenly places with a ring of ancient looking keys. I was suddenly at the gate of the Garden of Eden; it was opened wide, and I walked in. I saw shady groves of trees of every shape and size, fruit-bearing trees, and sunny fields to grow produce. To my great delight and honor, I met Enoch walking in the trees. He was gentle, kind, but very focused. He looked like John Paul Jackson, but Enoch’s face was youthful, glowing, even though he had completely white hair. I asked him if he had any wisdom for me, and he gave me three keys for navigating this season on the earth. The Father spoke to me about these three keys: “Enoch has shared My WISDOM with you for going through this INTENSE season of the BATTLE, the STORM, and the SHAKINGS. If you will use these THREE KEYS, you will STAY STRONG in the BATTLE, WEATHER the STORM, and be ANCHORED in the SHAKINGS. These THREE KEYS are: LEARNI
May 12, 2024 IN LABOR ONCE AGAIN “Women are IN LABOR ONCE AGAIN to BIRTH My DESTINY and PURPOSES for their CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN. The enemy has so MUDDIED the waters of TRUTH and IDENTITIES that many in these generations are STUCK in the MUCK and pursuing DEAD-END LIVES. RISE UP, O WOMEN of VALOR, and REFUSE to allow the enemy to STEAL these generations. VALIANT MEN, STAND UP FOR, COME ALONGSIDE, PROTECT and DEFEND these women who are in the BIRTH PANGS of intercession for their children to COME FORTH into their DESTINIES and PURPOSES. RISE UP, My Army of Light, and COMMAND the FLOOD of MUDDY LIES to STOP. CALL FORTH My TSUNAMI of TRUTH that will WASH AWAY all the MUDDY LIES. SPEAK LIGHT and LIFE over these generations and WELCOME My FIRE to BURN AWAY FALSE IDENTITIES and FALSE GODS. BREAK the POWER of ADDICTIONS, MIND-BINDING SPIRITS, and PERVERSION and RELEASE the clean and enduring FEAR of the LORD. RELEASE the LOVE of My Son to CAPTIVATE the hearts of those so desperately seek