December 1, 2021

(I had a brief vision of a complex set of gears and parts all in a line ready to be put together.)

“I have been meticulously building a MECHANISM to bring about JUDGMENT and JUSTICE to your Nation. It is like a COMPLEX system of GEARS and PARTS that must all be assembled in order so that the gears will turn the wheels of DISCOVERY, JUDGMENT, and JUSTICE. Your prayers for righteous leaders and judges have helped assemble this complex system that will BRING DOWN corruption and evil. This gear system is now assembled and beginning SLOWLY TO TURN—have you seen evidences that the TIDE IS TURNING TO JUSTICE? Keep watching because My GEAR system is slowly beginning to bring about a TURNAROUND in your Nation where good is no longer called evil and evil will no longer be able to DRESS UP as good. As gears begin to turn, the start-up is slow, but it will pick up SPEED and MOMENTUM and an AVALANCHE of exposures and trials will take place. It has taken time, but I have built this GEAR SYSTEM so that it cannot FAIL—your waiting for Me to act will be rewarded with VINDICATION as you see My promises for JUDGMENT and JUSTICE come to pass. Listen…the GEARS are turning!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 



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