December 10, 2021


“Keep your eyes on the JUSTICE SYSTEM of your Nation. You will see My hand BEHIND the just decisions that have come down lately and will be coming forth from your courts. The enemy and those doing his bidding had UNDERMINED your justice system by sowing into it judges who were COMPROMISED by bribes, blackmail, and ungodly thinking and character. Because you have partnered with Me in praying for godly judges who will RULE FAIRLY, I have been sowing RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE back into your legal system, and you are beginning to see the fruit of that in the GOOD and JUST decisions coming forth. I have also been infusing jurors with COURAGE and STRENGTH to reach just decisions. I AM insulating them from those who INTIMIDATE and try to sway with FEAR or BRIBERY. It is no coincidence that you are seeing a turn to righteousness and justice in your courts. I have been busy BEHIND THE SCENES answering your prayers, and I will continue to re-establish TRUE JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS in your Land. Partner with Me in continuing to take back the ground of justice in your Nation and watch My hand accomplishing this and REJOICE in Me!”

LUKE 18:7, 8 “So what makes you think that God won’t step in and work justice for His chosen people, who continue to cry out for help? Won’t He stick up for them? I assure you, He will. He will not drag His feet. But how much of that kind of persistent faith will the Son of Man find on earth when He returns? (MSG)

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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