December 13, 2021


“I AM coming to visit your heart and your Land with MERCY AND TRUTH. As they pour forth from My being to bless you and your Nation, it will also have the effect of EXPOSING all things that are not the TRUTH and all things that have been done out of GREED for power and control. These partnered with darkness work in the OPPOSITE SPIRIT of MERCY (goodness, kindness, faithfulness). They sow ACCUSATION, LIES, and SLANDER; and they shall REAP its fruit—their exposure, judgment, and justice—while whose partnered with My heart and My ways will receive what their FAITH and PERSEVERANCE have grown for them—My MERCY AND TRUTH. Read from My Word what MERCY AND TRUTH will do for you:”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 

PSALM 85:8-10, 12-13 “Now I’ll listen carefully for Your voice and wait to hear whatever You say. Let me hear Your promise of peace—the message every one of Your godly lovers long to hear. Don’t let us in our ignorance turn back from following You. For I know Your power and presence shines on all Your devoted lovers. Your glory always hovers over all who bow low before You. Your mercy and truth have married each other. Your righteousness and peace have kissed…Yes, the Lord keeps raining down blessing after blessing, and prosperity will drench the land with a bountiful harvest. For deliverance goes before Him, preparing a path for His steps.” (TPT)

“The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed: it blesses him that gives and him that takes.” William Shakespeare 


  1. So beautiful! Thank you Diana for encouraging and strengthening God's children all over the world. You are a blessing. Abba Father, "Let us now say, "His mercy endures forever!" Thank you Adoni for raining down your blessings, your prosperity and soaking the land with a plentiful harvest. We our highly blessed as the favor of EL ELYON overtakes your children! I give you all the glory and my heart rejoices in the Maker of Heaven and Earth in Yeshua's holy and precious name! Amen!


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