December 17, 2021


“The year 2022 will be marked by My TRUE BLUE JUSTICE being re-established in your Nation. Blue is the color of the Heavenly Realms, and I AM releasing My HEAVENLY JUSTICE into your Land to OVERPOWER and OVERTAKE the corrupt laws, law-givers, law-keepers, and judges that have filled your Land with INJUSTICE. These judges have made decisions that have declared EVIL IS GOOD AND GOOD IS EVIL, they have FAVORED AND OVERLOOKED gross crimes by the elite who have BRIBED and BLACKMAILED them, and they have turned a BLIND EYE to government overreach and persecution of anyone who opposed the dark agenda. You have begun to see My hand OVERTURNING the tables of INJUSTICE and bringing forth RIGHTEOUS judges and judgments. This will INCREASE in your new year, as My hand pulls back the curtain on hidden CORRUPTION, BRIBES, and BLACKMAIL. Whole court systems will come CRASHING DOWN because they are so RIDDLED with corruption that they will COLLAPSE. The military court system will be called in to help SHORE UP the civilian court system until it can be REBUILT with righteous judges who FEAR ME and will UPHOLD your constitution. My covenant Nation will again reflect My true blue Heavenly justice—2022—THE YEAR OF MY TRUE BLUE JUSTICE.”

PSALM 82:1-2, 5, 8a
“All rise! For God now comes to judge as He convenes Heaven’s courtroom. He judges every judge and rules in the midst of the gods, saying, ‘How long will you judges refuse to listen to the voice of true justice and continue to corrupt what is right by judging in favor of the wrong?’…But you continue in your darkness and ignorance while the foundations of society are shaken to the core!…All rise! For God now takes His place as judge of all the earth.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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