December 31, 2021


“You are still here. You are still by My side and FIGHTING against the darkness and BELIEVING that what I have promised will come true. There may have been moments of doubt or impatience, but you have chosen to REALIGN yourself with Me and to STAND in faith. WHAT YOU HAVE LONGED TO SEE WILL UNFOLD BEFORE YOU IN 2022. Have you longed for action and movement? Well, here it comes! I AM a REWARDER OF FAITH AND ENDURANCE. Your rewards will come in many forms. You will look with SATISFACTION as you see corrupt people and leaders meet with My JUSTICE. VINDICATION of all you’ve believed and proclaimed will be a SWEET REWARD. You will begin to receive PAYBACK for all the corrupt stole from you financially—this will continue for several years. I will BLESS everything you put your hand to, and your FRUITFULNESS will expand. I will reward you with My NEARNESS, and your spiritual SIGHT and HEARING will expand. Blessed are those who BELIEVE My promises and CLING tightly to My FAITHFULNESS. You are positioned for a DIVINE REWARD.”

HEBREWS 10:32, 33, 35, 39
“Don’t you remember those days right after the Light shined in your hearts? You endured a great marathon season of suffering hardships, yet you stood your ground. And at times you were publicly and shamefully mistreated, being persecuted for your faith; then at other times you stood side by side with those who preach the message of hope…So don’t lose your bold, courageous faith, for you are destined for a great reward!…But we are certainly not those who are held back by fear and perish; we are among those who have faith and experience true life!” (TPT)

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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