November 16, 2020


“Can you smell it in the air? Just like the fragrance of coffee awakens a sleeper, so the smell of My AWAKENING is in the air. This smell of awakening will be a THREAT to those hiding corruption and evil, and it should serve as a WARNING to them that their time is short, and they would be wise to come into the light. The consequences awaiting them could be lessened if they will smell the coffee and get out while they can. Those who refuse to acknowledge My awakening presence will be uncovered and their nakedness exposed before many. To those who are pursuing Me and My promises, I want you to catch the fragrance of awakening and move with Me towards FULFILLMENT and be ready to WELCOME many who are now being awakened from the demonic LIES and the FALSE REALITY he promoted.  There’s never been a more important season to wake up and smell the coffee!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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