August 28, 2022


“Your Nation has been INFILTRATED and SLIMED with IMPURITY and DARK AGENDAS by the enemy and those corrupted people who serve him. These impurities and dark agendas were meant to WEAKEN your Nation from within and to CONFUSE the minds of people about what is right and wrong. It is never love to affirm someone in a lifestyle of DARKNESS or DECEPTION. Real love reaches out to them and INVITES them into TRUTH, LIFE, and FREEDOM. I AM coming to deal with this WEB of TWISTED LIES that has been spun across your Land by LYING MEDIA and CORRUPT leaders across all seven mountains of society. At just the right time, I AM going to EXPLODE across your Land with My PURITY and My POWER. People will be JOLTED AWAKE out of the STUPOR of lies and deception they believed. My PURITY is not about keeping rules. It is about hearts aligning with My HEART OF LOVE, that always seeks the BEST for the other. My PURITY has no COMPROMISE with darkness, it is always FULLY IN THE LIGHT. My POWER will BREAKTHROUGH all the DARK LIES and SCHEMES and will EXPOSE them for what they are: SELFISHNESS, PERVERSION, and GREED. As My POWER breaks through the darkness, My PURITY will FLOOD IN. It will CAPTURE peoples’ hearts and minds because they will be able to see its BEAUTY and how it is founded on COMPLETE LOVE. This is an important component of My RESCUE OPERATION so that FREEDOM is maintained through My PURITY and My POWER.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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