September 10, 2022

“I want to remind you that you are still in a PASSOVER SEASON. Just as surely as I DELIVERED the Children of Israel from the Egyptians, so I will DELIVER you from those who seek to ENSLAVE you. You will know your EXTENDED PASSOVER SEASON is over when you see your ENEMIES NO MORE. What you are witnessing now is the process of those partnered with darkness CHOOSING to COMPLETELY HARDEN their hearts to My voice and to SELLOUT to the darkness fully. It is their SELFISH, GREEDY choices that will DETERMINE their COMPLETE DOWNFALL and DESTRUCTION. It is their HARDENED, DARKENED HEARTS that have placed them in the depths of the RED SEA; and as they are COMPLETELY CONSUMED by the waters of My JUDGMENT, you will see them NO MORE. Don’t lose heart as you hear their BOASTING VOICES and witness their desperate and obvious POWER GRABS because, quite SUDDENLY, you will SEE THEM NO MORE. The day will come when your RIGHTFUL leader will be placed back in his position as the one who will take your Nation through the REBUILDING and REFORMING process that I have promised you. STAND IN FAITH by My side, and we will witness this PASSOVER SEASON come to a SUDDEN and VICTORIOUS END. He who is FAITHFUL and TRUE has promised this.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal  


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