September 28, 2022

“These days that you are in have been very UNSETTLING, and you can sense more UPHEAVAL is ready to happen. When you are in a season of SHAKING and CHANGE, it can be difficult to LOOK AHEAD to the FUTURE. It is IMPORTANT that you allow Me to SPEAK to you about the FUTURE because I want you to be PREPARED for the shaking but also for GREAT FULFILLMENT of My promises to you. I want you to IMAGINE with Me a day when the LIARS who PROPPED UP ILLEGITIMATE POWER are brought down and SILENCED, and TRUTH is broadcast on your airwaves. I want you to PICTURE days of PLENTY, as I SUPERNATURALLY SUPPLY and also UNLOCK supplies HIDDEN by those partners of darkness. I want you to know there will be about a SEVEN-MONTH period where nations of the world and certain areas of your Nation will experience LACK. This is where My Body can SHINE by helping MEET those needs out of My SUPERNATURAL SUPPLY to My Body. These SEVEN MONTHS of TURBULENCE and great CHANGES will result in HEALTHIER FOODS being grown as I supply GOOD SEED to the sower. As nations turn to seek Me, My GLORY will fill their lands, and their soil will bring forth ABUNDANT CROPS. Land will be taken from the EVIL EMPIRE and returned to My farmers who will be good stewards of their land, and I will BLESS them. You are witnessing leaders partnered with darkness begin to FALL and be replaced with RIGHTEOUS leaders; expect this to INCREASE greatly over the next seven months of great change. Don’t be afraid to LOOK AHEAD and DREAM with Me about the GOOD CHANGES coming to your Land and to the world.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 



  1. Thank You, Ms. Larkin. Our Father is an honest Father, naturally! He shall NEVER lie! He shall turn the shortages/lack into a Blessing for The Righteous!


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