September 3, 2022


“Years from now when the MOVIES are shown about this EPIC SEASON in your history as a Nation, people will exclaim, ‘WHAT AN AMAZING RESCUE!’ They will look on you who FOUGHT this battle to SAVE your Nation from DESTRUCTION and your lives from being CONSUMED by the DARKNESS, with AWE and DEEP RESPECT. They will be very THANKFUL that you STOOD in FAITH, fought VALIANTLY, and SACRIFICED for their FREEDOM. You will ENJOY the movies, too, because you will see the SCOPE of the WAR and what was going on BEHIND the SCENES in both camps—the LIGHT and the DARK. Understanding will come about all the PLOT TWISTS, TURNS, and SURPRISES. You will be so glad you BELIEVED Me and FOUGHT through to VICTORY. You will look on in WONDER at the sacrifice of those who PRETENDED to serve darkness in order to SABOTAGE from within the enemy camp. America will have her HEROES again. Of course you will especially enjoy the CLIMAX when I SUDDENLY stepped in and RESCUED your Land, and the WHOLE WORLD CHANGED. As you FIGHT valiantly every day, remember to FACE each new CHALLENGE from the darkness with FAITH, and DECLARE, ‘This plan of darkness WILL NOT STAND, and I bring it to NOTHING in His mighty name!’ WHAT AN AMAZING RESCUE is in store!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal    


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