October 12, 2021


This morning an old worship song suddenly dropped into my head:

“I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously, the horse and the rider thrown into the sea.

The Lord, my God, my strength and song, has now become my victory.

The Lord is God, and I will praise Him, my Father is God, and I will exalt Him!”

From the Father:

“The wicked who have pursued you RELENTLESSLY seeking to DESTROY your Nation and your freedoms have now walked into My SET-UP for their DEMISE. The only way to draw them completely into the trap was to allow them to think they were winning and that they were more powerful and smarter than Me and you. This is why they have APPEARED to continue to win on so many fronts, but I was using their ARROGANCE to BLIND them to My AMBUSH. This is why I have encouraged you to continue to TRUST Me and to realize that you couldn’t focus on outward circumstances because much was going on BEHIND THE SCENES as My TRAP was laid. THE CLOSING OF THE RED SEA HAS BEGUN. It is too late for them to change course and save themselves. They will soon be covered over with My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE, and the world will see My strong right arm obtain the VICTORY. You will sing and worship Me with all your heart for I will TRIUMPH GLORIOUSLY over the enemies of all that I have promised for your Land. Do you hear the water beginning to CRASH DOWN?” 

Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Uncanny, the fashion in which The Father weaves exactly a year ago's Prophetic Words into a year later's identity! God has and always will, have a plan! His Divine Plan! As The Lord, through Pastor/Apostle/Prophet Tim Sheets proclaimed in this evening's Prophetic Word, "I have planned for this"! Indeed! God shall bless you, shower you, Ms. Larkin, with innumerable Blessings! Halleluah! And Thank You!


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