October 25, 2021


“Blessed are those who do not hold Me to their TIMELINES of when they want things to happen. Blessed are those who SURRENDER their EXPECTATIONS and their man-made DEADLINES to Me. Those who do this will save themselves from DISAPPOINTMENT, FRUSTRATION, and QUITTING the fight just before the victory is won. I want to save you from these FAITH-STEALING, HEART-WOUNDING emotions that happen when you set up expectations in your heart for when I should intervene and how I should accomplish My RESCUE of your Land. SURPRISE is very important when dealing with a very dark and very desperate enemy. Therefore, the TIMING and the WAY that I AM going to bring about this rescue must be kept SECRET. TRUST ME—this will keep the enemy forces from launching some of their most DIABOLICAL schemes because they don’t know My timing. Set yourself FREE from the calendar-watching and from your own limited perspective, and you will find yourself able to continue to FIGHT STRONG. My rescue will be a SURPRISE to you and to the enemy. The surprise will spell DOOM to the darkness, and to the light it will be a JOYOUS CELEBRATION. Align your HEART with Mine and remember ‘BLESSED ARE THE TIMELESS!’”   

Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal 


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