October 30, 2021


“The ARROGANT ones who have partnered with darkness think of themselves as the ‘High and Mighty,’ but I think of them as the ‘FALL’ because PRIDE goes before DESTRUCTION and a HAUGHTY spirit before a FALL. These evil plotters and schemers thought of themselves as UNTOUCHABLE and ABOVE any of man’s laws. Indeed, they had placed GATEKEEPERS all throughout the JUSTICE system who would STOP any uncovering of their deeds and who would HALT any justice proceedings. However, now they are dealing DIRECTLY with Me, the GOD OF JUSTICE, and they are beginning to FALL. As they FALL they will set off a DOMINO effect that will bring down all those under them—including their carefully placed gatekeepers. Their arrogance BLINDED them to the fact that I have been setting them all in a row (an intricately formed trap) and when I cause them to FALL, all those beneath them will be FALLING as well. It takes a LONG time to set up an elaborate domino pattern, but it goes down in SECONDS. Your PATIENCE, your PERSISTENCE, and your FAITH will be GREATLY REWARDED. Watch as I display My setup of the FALL IS FALLING.”

Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal 


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