October 11, 2022


“Deep UNDERGROUND in a SECRET LOCATION, evil leaders have quietly gathered to PLOT and SCHEME the DOWNFALL of your Nation. They have plans for WAR, FAMINE, and FINANCIAL COLLAPSE. Because they have LOST all love and natural affection from completely giving their lives to the enemy, they think there is nothing holding them back from carrying out your DEATH and DESTRUCTION. They have gazed at darkness for so long that they have FORGOTTEN the POWER OF MY LIGHT. My LIGHT is set to BREAKTHROUGH all their darkness, and it will EXPOSE their HIDDEN UNDERGROUND HIDEOUTS and their DESTRUCTIVE PLANS. Should you just STANDBY and DREAD all the things they are set to release? Do you just let their plans of war, famine, and financial collapse PLAY OUT? Or have I not called you to DECREE and DECLARE the OPPOSITE OF WHAT THE DARKNESS IS TRYING TO RELEASE? War, famine, and financial collapse are NOT INEVITABLE! Have I not given you POWER OVER THE DARKNESS through My Son’s SHED BLOOD? Rise up, Army of Light, and DECLARE that My LIGHT, My POWER, and My GOODNESS will OVERPOWER all those dark schemes! RELEASE My plans for your Nation and out into all the world of PEACE, PLENTY, and FINANCIAL INCREASE. Where is your FAITH? Is it in the power of DARKNESS to CARRY OUT their plans, or is it in My POWER to RESCUE, DELIVER, and bring ABUNDANCE? What you place your FAITH in is what you will ATTRACT to your life. I SEE ALL and HEAR ALL that is going on in the SECRET UNDERGROUND MEETING, and I have COMMISSIONED YOU and My strongest HOST to DEFEAT every strategy and plan of darkness and to DECLARE My KINGDOM SUPPLY and BLESSING on your Land.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. I enjoy reading these Words on Truth Social, as well as the interaction between the Community of Beautiful Souls! I enjoy this compilation of Posts; for sharing with others, refreshers, encouragement and courage! Thank You Again!


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