October 13, 2022


VALOR: courage, boldness, bravery, strength of mind in resisting fear 

“I AM giving My Army of Light a spirit of VALOR to carry them through the final days of battle. If you will receive this VALOR from My strong right arm, it will STRENGTHEN you to FINISH WELL in this war; and it will PROTECT your mind from FEAR, PANIC, and ANXIETY. Fear, panic, and anxiety are COURAGE STEALERS, and they CLOUD your spiritual eyes and keep you from seeing what I AM doing to FINISH this war and to bring in the VICTORY. Many of the THREATS facing your Nation may APPEAR right on the BRINK of happening, but I have already DEFUSED the plans of darkness to bring DEATH and DESTRUCTION. You will see areas of destruction, but this is MY HAND BRINGING DOWN what was built on the WORSHIP OF DARKNESS. The VALOR I AM offering to give you today will give you CLEAR VISION to see what are only THREATS from the darkness and to see where My hand is moving to DESTROY EVIL ROOTS and SCHEMES. VALOR will STEADY you through tumultuous days, and you will be an ANCHOR for the fearful and the terrified. Receive My SHINING VALOR and stand strong with Me. Your FINEST and BEST DAYS are ahead of you!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal     


  1. Valor. Thank You, Oh, Heavenly Father, for speaking through your Fine Prophetess, Teacher and Gracious Lady, Mrs. Larkin!


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