October 15, 2022


“Do not FEAR the plan of the arrogant elite who are THREATENING to UNLEASH a deadly weapon of mass destruction against you. I have declared to you that this plan WILL NOT SUCCEED, and it will serve to be their FINAL ACT of TREASON, BETRAYAL, and ATTEMPTED MURDER. These evil plotters are SWINGING WILDLY in their emotions from being TERRIFIED of EXPOSURE and WILD BELIEF that this last devastating plan will bring them into their place of POWER and CONTROL—the place that they SOLD THEIR SOULS to darkness to obtain. These wild swings of emotion and focus are WEAKENING them in their MINDS and their BODIES, and you will see it PUBLICLY DISPLAYED when they cannot control their ANGER or their INAPPROPRIATE LAUGHTER. I say again, DO NOT FEAR THEM! What the darkness should be FEARING is THE FIREPOWER OF THE LIVING GOD, which is going to break forth upon them. The releasing of MY FIREPOWER against them will come supernaturally from My HOST and from My STRONG RIGHT ARM. They will not know WHERE or WHEN these FIREPOWER attacks will come and so great FEAR and TREMBLING will fill their ranks, as they see their MONUMENTS, their BUILDINGS, and their LIVES DEMOLISHED by an UNSEEN HAND and an INVISIBLE FORCE. As you WITNESS these events take place, you will know you are PROTECTED and COVERED by the BLOOD of My Son and the POWER OF MY LOVE. Do not fear the schemes of evil but look to Me with REVERENCE and AWE, as I unleash MY FIREPOWER against the darkness.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 



  1. Bring it on, Oh, Heavenly Father! Justice Shall Be Served! And Thank You, Lord, for the reassurance!


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