October 17, 2022


“You have been watching an EXTENDED CHESS MATCH between the DARKNESS and the LIGHT. To the eye of natural man, it will look like the darkness has had the UPPER HAND and that they are CLOSING IN to WIN the match. This is why so many people are ANXIOUS and AFRAID right now. But you have chosen to LISTEN to My VOICE and to LOOK with the eyes of your SPIRIT at what I AM doing behind the scenes. You know that I ALLOWED them to think they were WINNING, all the while, I was SETTING TRAPS for EVERY PIECE on their side of the CHESSBOARD. When My powerful TRUMPET voice cries out, ‘CHECKMATE!’, you will see My strong right arm come, and I WILL WIPE THE CHESSBOARD CLEAN. None of those who PLOTTED and SCHEMED to STEAL a Nation or those who helped them in their dark plans will be LEFT STANDING. The DARK WINTER they had planned for you will CRASH IN ON THEM. Just as the pieces on the CHESSBOARD flew everywhere when My arm WIPED THE BOARD CLEAN, so they will be SCATTERED and not allowed to reassemble again. Wait for the TRUMPET CRY of ‘CHECKMATE!’ and then watch My arm WIPE THE CHESSBOARD CLEAN!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Wow! All it takes is one day! Here it is; upon us, imminent! God Bless, Protect, Guide, Direct You, Ms. Larkin, God Bless and Guide All His Righteous Children!


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