October 19, 2022


“Don’t DESPAIR when you see the continuation of A GROWING INJUSTICE. Remember that this is a season of EXPOSURE and every time another INJUSTICE occurs in the present BROKEN SYSTEM, more CROOKED judges, CORRUPT and LYING lawyers, and BRIBED juries are being UNCOVERED and their partnership with darkness is being REVEALED. You have My PROMISE that ALL these TRAVESTIES of JUSTICE will be REVERSED in favor of the RIGHTEOUS and that they will be the cause of JUDGMENT and TRUE JUSTICE overtaking the evil. Remember that I have told you I AM allowing the darkness to THINK they are WINNING; but, in reality, they are being DRAWN further and further into My TRAP. Tune your spiritual ears to the future, and you will HEAR all the RATS SQUEALING and SHRIEKING with SHOCK and PANIC, as they are CAUGHT in My TRAP. A GROWING INJUSTICE will SUDDENLY be stopped by My HAMMER of PERFECT JUSTICE.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


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