October 20, 2022


“When I come to RESCUE your Nation and to RELEASE the FULLNESS of My justice and judgment, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. Justice will no longer be DELAYED or DENIED, but it will come with such FORCE and hit so MANY that you will be OVERWHELMED with the number of INDICTMENTS, TRIALS, and CONVICTIONS. You will see a PARADE of leaders across all seven mountains of society be EXPOSED and brought to My JUSTICE for their CORRUPT, GREEDY, LYING WAYS. You would be WISE to not EXPECT your BROKEN JUSTICE SYSTEM to render a fair decision—that will open you up to FRUSTRATION and HOPELESSNESS. When your EXPECTATIONS are not met, you will be DISAPPOINTED and LOSE HEART. This will take you off the frontlines of the battle and can lead to your FAITH being DAMAGED. If you will put your EXPECTATIONS on My PROMISES and allow My TIMING to play out, you will STAND STRONG until the end, and YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.”

PSALM 20:7, 8 “Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom, but My miracle deliverance can never be won by men. Our boast is in the Lord our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory! Our enemies will not prevail; they will only collapse and perish in defeat while we rise up, full of courage.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal     



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