October 21, 2022


“TURN UP the VOLUME on your PRAISE and WORSHIP! TURN UP the VOLUME on SPEAKING TRUTH, LIGHT, and LOVE. In the face of your enemy’s THREATS and IMPENDING DISASTER, TURN UP the VOLUME of your LAUGHTER and declare LOUDLY, ‘My God has given the VICTORY!’ The darkness expects you to SHRINK BACK with FEAR and COWER in a corner, DREADING his next dark move. SURPRISE him by TURNING UP your FAITH and strengthening yourself in Me. Don’t focus on his THREATS, focus on My PROMISES and My POWER. We are going to have a STUNNING VICTORY! What looks like certain death, will become your DELIVERANCE and the DESTRUCTION of your enemies. TURN UP your IMAGINATION and picture the CELEBRATIONS and REJOICING. TURN UP your oven and bake more CAKE! TURN UP your PRAYERS and your INTERCESSION and let them FILL the airwaves, DROWNING OUT the voices of doom and gloom. The DARK PRECIPICE will come SUDDENLY and will be over QUICKLY. It will SWALLOW UP the darkness like the Red Sea swallowed up the Egyptians. I have told you what is coming; now, TURN UP THE VOLUME OF TRIUMPH AND VICTORY!”

PSALM 21:11-13 “We will watch them fail, for these are ones who plan their evil schemes against the Lord. They will turn and run at the sight of Your judgment arrow aimed straight at their hearts. Rise up and put Your might on display! By Your strength we will sing and praise Your glorious power!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal   


  1. This Word is magnificent! Serves as a daily dose of strong encouragement from Our Lord, through Ms. Diana Green!


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