October 25, 2022

“These are days of THE GREAT TURNING. The DIRECTION your Nation is now going will DRAMATICALLY TURN like a green tree whose leaves CHANGE to bright red in the Fall. Quite SUDDENLY, the path of complete DESTRUCTION your Nation is on will experience THE GREAT TURNING, and My LIFE and LIGHT will bring a NEW DAY, a FRESH START. As My plans for your Nation unfold, you will live in CONTINUAL SHOCK and AWE at My POWER to bring about THE GREAT TURNING. DARKNESS will give way to LIGHT, INJUSTICE will be replaced by My JUSTICE, LACK will disappear in the face of My PROVISION, WEAKNESS and SICKNESS will be replaced by My STRENGTH and My HEALING. Believe Me when I tell you that I AM going to show Myself STRONG on your behalf. THE GREAT TURNING will CRUSH all that were part of the evil empire, and it will DEMOLISH all their wicked agendas. This will not be the DARK WINTER they had planned for you. This will be a WINTER OF WONDER at My STRONG RIGHT ARM, and a season of DRAWING near to Me and to family and to friends in GRATEFUL THANKS for THE GREAT TURNING unfolding before your eyes. Spring will be the most BEAUTIFUL you’ve ever seen, as your Land, which has been FREED of darkness, brings forth GREAT BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE from the ground of RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. Stand with Me and call forth THE GREAT TURNING.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal  


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