October 26, 2022


“I REVEAL the dark plans of the enemy, not so you can HIDE from them, but so you would CONFRONT them in your AUTHORITY as My BLOOD-BOUGHT Sons and Daughters. How do you RESPOND to THREATS of nuclear war, assassination attempts, food shortages? I AM revealing these evil schemes to you because I want you to RISE UP and CANCEL THE ASSIGNMENTS OF THE ENEMY. When you arise and SPEAK OUT your authority over the darkness, it throws them into CONFUSION and PANIC. For years there has been LITTLE RESISTANCE from the sheep against their POWER GRABS and their dark plans to cause FEAR and DESTRUCTION to your Land. They are SHOCKED and PERPLEXED to witness a UNIFIED, POWERFUL remnant speaking BOLDLY the TRUTH and DEMANDING true JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS be restored. My Army of Light, as you continue to SHINE My LIGHT OF TRUTH and to CANCEL THE ASSIGNMENTS OF THE ENEMY for your Nation, your families, and your personal lives, more and more people will JOIN your ranks, as they see the plans of darkness FAIL and your own lives SHINING with My GLORY and DELIVERANCE. When you join Me in CANCELING THE ASSIGNMENTS OF THE ENEMY, you are helping make a WAY for My RESCUE OPERATION to come to its STUNNING FULFILLMENT.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 



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