October 27, 2022

“Now to the King of the ages (eternal), immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” 1Timothy1:17

“I AM the KING OF THE AGES, and I have WALKED the earth in this HARVEST season. I have put My MARK upon those who have chosen to serve the darkness and to further the EVIL AGENDA of the enemy. Don’t let the knowledge that these partners of darkness SEEM to still be in CONTROL and LEADERSHIP positions discourage you. Because they are MARKED by Me for REMOVAL and DESTRUCTION, it will SURELY TAKE PLACE. There is no LAWYER, no amount of MONEY, no BRIBE that will REMOVE this MARK from their lives because it has been put there by the KING OF THE AGES. What I have MARKED for JUDGMENT will be JUDGED FULLY and will result in JUSTICE for the people. Remember all the pictures I’ve given you of this RESCUE SEASON: an AVALANCHE, a TSUNAMI, a great SHAKING, a row of DOMINOES, a fallen HOUSE OF CARDS, a FLOOD, an empty CHESSBOARD. One day things will appear to be the same as always, and the next day, everything will be CHANGED. As I, the KING OF THE AGES, walked through your Land, I also MARKED those who are MINE and those who have STOOD with Me. They have been MARKED for BLESSING, REWARD, and RESTORATION. The darkness cannot REMOVE My MARK from you, nor can they STEAL the TREASURES OF DARKNESS I have set aside for you. REJOICE in your KING OF THE AGES!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Hallelujah! Praise The Lord! It is and shall happen! All Glory, Praise and Honor to Our Heavenly Father, through your faithful servant, Diana Larkin!

  2. Sweet, Sweet, Sweet 😁
    Yes Lord AMEN!!


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