October 28, 2022


“When the SHINING FULFILLMENT of My PROMISES to you and your Nation come to pass, YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When you see the evil empire FALL—CRUSHED, their power BROKEN—YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When you see trials, imprisonments, and death sentences, then YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When you see My KINGDOM and My GLORY fall in your midst bringing HEALING, DELIVERANCE, and RESTORATION, then YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When the WEALTH of the wicked is given to the righteous, and you see DEBT CANCELED and ABUNDANCE released, then YOU WILL. KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When you see leaders who partner with darkness and who are ILLEGALLY in their positions of power (across all seven mountains of culture) be REMOVED, and their evil platforms DEMOLISHED, then YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When you see righteous leaders RAISED UP—those who have been prepared for this very day—and put into place as REFORMERS, YOU WILL. KNOW THAT I AM GOD. Blessed are you who do not yet see these fulfillments but who take Me at My word and already see the fulfillments with the eyes of their spirit, YOUR REWARD WILL BE GREAT!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 



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